03 March, 2025
1 min read

Senator Terry Gerratana Eliminates Car Taxes

By Robert Berriault As a resident of New Britain, I encourage New Britain families to show their support for State Senator Terry Gerratana, who has fought to cut taxes for hardworking families in New Britain. Recently, Terry lessened our tax burden by phasing out property tax on motor vehicles. The new law will save Connecticut […]

4 mins read

Democrats Oppose Charter Changes, Urging ‘No Pay Hikes’ for Elected Officials ‘on Off Years’

Press Pool Story New Britain Democrats are urging a ‘no’ vote on City Charter changes proposed by city’s Republican mayor, Erin Stewart, and the Republican-dominated City Council. Democrats are objecting to the proposals that, if approved, would create a four-year mayoral term and change the way the mayor and other municipal officials can raise their salaries. […]

1 min read

Community Organizations to Hold Voter Engagement Day

News Brief Several community organizations are holding a Voter Engagement Day on Thursday, November 3rd to encourage people to exercise their right to vote. The New Britain Branch NAACP#2006, Pride of CT Elk Lodge #1437, Spottswood Political Action Committee and New Britain Black Democratic Club are jointly hosting the event. In encouraging people to attend the event, the New […]

2 mins read

Wave Of New Voters Includes New Britain: 4,154 Added Since June; Registration Deadline Nov. 1

By John McNamara A wave of new voter registrations statewide may push New Britain enrollment past 30,000 for Election Day on November 8th. One week prior to the November 1st deadline, there are 29,100 eligible to vote according to Democratic Registrar of Voters Juan Verdu’s office. In addition, unregistered voters may go to City Hall […]

2 mins read

NAACP Declares “Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count”

News Brief State Senator Gary Winfield (D-New Haven, West Haven) offered a call for understanding for African American youth, who rail with passion against discrimination, in his inspiring keynote speech at the 2016 New Britain NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner. The theme for the celebration was, “Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count”. Winfield pointed out that […]

4 mins read

Legislators Announce $2.5 million for Non-Profit Facility

The State Bond Commission has approved $2,575,169 in funding for Community Mental Health Affiliates (CMHA). The funding is for renovations of its facility on 26 Russel Street in New Britain which houses the Central CT Winter Shelter and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program Team Time Social Club. New Britain’s state legislators, State Reps. Betty Boukus (D-Plainville, New Britain), Peter […]

1 min read

New Britain’s Own Sen. Terry Gerratana and Rep. Bobby Sanchez Honored as “Children’s Champions”

Sen. Gerratana, and Rep. Sanchez have been named 2016 Children’s Champions by the CT Early Childhood Alliance.  The Alliance is a statewide organization committed to improving outcomes in the areas of learning, health, safety, and economic security or chldren ages birth to eight. Every year, the Alliance recognizes legislators who worked closely with early childhood […]

1 min read

NAACP Harmony Classic this Weekend

The Connecticut NAACP is hosting its Harmony Classic at Central Connecticut State University this weekend. The Harmony Classic is a combination of civic engagement and football. The Harmony Classic football game is between CCSU and Bowie State University on Saturday, September 17th at CCSU’s Arute Field. The game will begin at 3:00 pm and the […]

1 min read

New Britain Celebrates the 2016 Puerto Rican Festival

Festive music filled the air, along with the aroma of delicious food and plenty of good cheer at New Britain’s 2016 Puerto Rican Festival. The weather was hot and sunny, as people listened to live music, enjoyed pina coladas and celebrated Puerto Rican culture. New Britain’s Puerto Rican festival is a long standing tradition in the […]

1 min read

School Officials Announce Bus Schedule Changes for DiLoreto, Pulaski and Slade Students

News Brief Morning bus schedules will change for students at three New Britain schools, school officials have announced. Beginning Tuesday, September 6th, the day after Labor Day, morning bus pick-ups for DiLoreto, Pulaski and Slade students will be ten minutes earlier. “During the first week of school, students who took the bus and attended DiLoreto, Pulaski […]

2 mins read

CT United FC Restarts Season with Back-to-School Drive

Connecticut United FC will be offering free admission to their game on Sunday September 4th to any fans who bring backpacks or other school supplies for those children in need. All proceeds of the drive will be donated to New Britain public schools. “We’re known to be a grassroots team and it starts by giving back […]

2 mins read

Esty Holds Forum with Gerratana on Defending Democracy

By Tim O’Brien Columnist Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-5) held a forum, with State Senator Terry Gerratana (D-6) on August 31st in the New Britain Public Library to highlight the growing threats to our democracy from big money politics and voter suppression. “Too many Americans feel as though their voices simply aren’t being heard in our democracy,” […]

5 mins read

Referendum Question 3 Obscures Charter Change On Granting Pay Raises To Elected Officials, Accelerated Water Bill Payments

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist The Common Council’s Republican Caucus Leader, Daniel Salerno, likes to preach to citizens who speak at public participation that they ought to stay, not leave after speaking on an issue, to watch the councilors “make the sausage” on selling city assets cheap, adopting a new policy or making budget decisions. […]

2 mins read

Northend Elementary School Canvass Neighborhoods with Backpacks and School Supplies

By Brian K. Riley New Britain Independent Board President During the month of August, Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church’s Bureau of Supply Missionary Society and Children’s Ministry, led by Jill Riley, Linda Kelly and Cheryl Niccols organized and collected backpacks and school supplies, which were donated to Northend Elementary School. The collected donations were delivered to […]

2 mins read

Prayer for Peace March held in New Britain

By Brian K. Riley New Britain Independent Board President A group of clergy, who call themselves “The Gatekeepers”, consist of Pastors and Ministers from within the New Britain Community. They were responsible for the planning and organizing, of the Prayer for Peace March, which took place on Saturday, August 13, 2016.   Rev. Gervais Barger of […]

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