Happening in New Britain Dec 19th to 25th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, December 19, 2022 to Sunday, December 25th, include… [MEC id=”30088″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, feel free […]
Council Restricts Locations, Adds New Fees for Street Vendors and Food Trucks
Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – The Common Council revised an ordinance and the fee schedule for outdoor vendors and food trucks doing business in the city at its final meeting of the year on December 14th. Under the revised ordinance vendors will be restricted to seven designated areas called “public way green zones”. Under the […]
Mill Rate Cut Is Expected To Offset Big Jump In Property Tax Values
Post-Pandemic Revaluation Brings Hikes Of 50% Or More To Single And Multi Family Homes By John McNamara New Britain’s turn for a revaluation of real property came this year in the regressive property tax system that mandates every city and town set new values for tax purposes every five years. Unlike the last revaluation in […]
Three Schools Get $800K For Technology Improvements
Legislators Praise Approval of Bond Funding For Student Achievement Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – Northend Elementary and Pulaski and Slade Middle Schools will receive $814,484 in instructional technology improvements thanks to support from the city’s legislative delegation and approval of state Bond Commission funds this week. In a joint statement State Senator Rick Lopes (D-6), […]
North/Oak NRZ Turkey Drive Helps Families At Thanksgiving
Group Holds Meeting To “Re-Brand” For 2023 Organizing Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – Resident leaders of the North/Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) held a “rebranding” meeting on November 17th at the Howey House on North Street to plan outreach activities that will engage more neighbors in 2023. Led by NRZ President Manny Sandoval, participants discussed […]
Happy Thanksgiving from the New Britain Progressive
The New Britain Progressive wishes you a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving Day. From our families to yours, we hope that your day is filled with the joy of time with family and friends. Many of us have many things to be thankful for, all of which, of course, are reminders of what so many others, […]
Black Ministers Alliance and New Britain Police Hosting Thanksgiving Feast for Those in Need
The New Britain Black Ministers Alliance and the city Police are working together to organize a Thanksgiving Feast for people in need. New Britain Police have been collecting donations from people to support the event. Event organizers say that, “meals are takeout only,” though event organizers say that deliveries will be made, as well. [MEC […]
Happening in New Britain Nov 21st to 27th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, November 21, 2022 to Sunday, November 27th, include… [MEC id=”29814″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, feel free […]
Attorney Bill Rivera Is First Hispanic Elected To Probate Court
Democrat Reverses 2021 Special Election Loss To Republican Mike Carrier By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – Attorney Bill Rivera, a Common Council Majority Leader in the 1990s, won a close race for Judge of Probate in the November 8th state election and is believed to be the first person of Hispanic heritage elected to office […]
Farmington And New Britain Hold Official Observances On Veterans Day
Staff Reports, Photography by Frank Gerratana Central Park Ceremonies Recognize City Vets Of Past Wars With Marine Corps League’s Hardware City Detachment NEW BRITAIN – The city Veterans Commission led Veterans Day services at Central Park Friday (November 11) with wreath layings, presentations of colors and remarks from Mayor Erin Stewart and Terry Crescimauno, a […]
Hayes’ Ground Game Came Late To A CT-5 Democratic Stronghold
New Britain Had 2.6K Fewer Voters Than ’18 Gubernatorial Election By John McNamara Urban votes in state and federal elections are the firewalls for Democratic candidates to win competitive races in Connecticut. New Britain, the most reliable Democratic town in non-municipal years in the 5th Congressional District (CT-5), joined other cities in a lower turnout […]
Honoring and Thanking New Britain’s Veterans
Today, on Veterans Day, New Britain and the nation solemnly remember all of our veterans’ sacrifices and offer them our thanks. It has always been important to the people of New Britain to remember, honor and thank veterans who have served our country, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The 2022 observances in the […]
Farmington Results: Representative Demicco, Democratic Candidates Prevail in Farmington
Staff Reports FARMINGTON – State Rep. Mike Demicco (D-21) held off Republican challenger Joe Capodiferro in the Farmington-Unionville state assembly district as Democrats prevailed across the town’s ballot. Demicco received 5,486 (54.86%) to Capodiferro’s 4,919 (45.04%). Demicco will begin his sixth term in January. He was first elected to the legislature in 2012, after serving […]
Democrats Win Big in New Britain; Charter Questions Approved
Democrats appeared to have won big, across the board, in New Britain, but some multi-town elections, especially for the 5th Congressional District, were still left very close. Meanwhile, Charter ballot questions were approved, but with a large number of voters abstaining from voting on the questions.
DeFronzo on City Charter Referendum: “No Thank You”
A modest estimate for a COO, office staff required to carry out his/her functions, equipment, travel cost and associated expenditures will easily exceed half a million dollars annually.Voters should know that.
Happening in New Britain Nov 7th to Nov 13th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, November 7, 2022 to Sunday, November 13th, include election day. [MEC id=”29553″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, […]
New Britain Has Close To 34K Voters Eligible For State Election on Tuesday
Redistricting Means New Polling Places For Some Voters in 2022; Polls Open 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – November 1 was the last day to register to vote across Connecticut to be officially on the rolls before the November 8th state election. In New Britain, Registrars of Voters counted 33,731 voters as of […]
North-Oak NRZ to Hold November Monthly Meeting
The North-Oak NRZ’s President, Manny Sandoval, has announced the November monthly meeting of the neighborhood organization. [MEC id=”29615″] “Change is needed,” Sandoval said, adding, “it’s time to step up and get involved.” North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ), the North-Oak neighborhood’s community organization, allows area residents and others involved in the neighborhood to work together to […]
New Britain 2023 Fall Leaf Collection Scheduled
The 2022 Fall curbside leaf collection program conducted by the New Britain Public Works Department is to begin on November 7th.
Governor Lamont Stumps With Dem Candidates In Farmington
Staff Reports FARMINGTON – Candidates and local Democrats gathered at The Rebel Dog Coffee Co Tuesday morning (November 1) for a Meet & Greet with Governor Ned Lamont ahead of the final televised gubernatorial debate. 2022 Campaign State Rep. Mike Demicco (D-21) joined with other Farmington candidates in the final stretch of the campaign before […]