Honoring and Thanking New Britain’s Veterans
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Honoring and Thanking New Britain’s Veterans

Today, on Veterans Day, New Britain and the nation solemnly remember all of our veterans’ sacrifices and offer them our thanks.

It has always been important to the people of New Britain to remember, honor and thank veterans who have served our country, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The 2022 observances in the city for the “11th month of the 11th day” remembrances include a flag raising at Central Park at 11 a.m. and observances at Central CT State University’s Alumni Hall at 3 p.m. The Iwo Jima Memorial Foundation will also hold a flag raising at 11 a.m. at the monument near CCSU at the end of Ella Grasso Boulevard in Newington.

Veterans Day began, and is still recognized in many countries as Armistice Day, the date in November 11, 1918 when World War I is generally recognized as ending. The armistice took effect, officially, at 11:00am, making it the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of that year.

In the United States, in 1954, Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day to make it a day to remember and thank all veterans who served our country.

Remembering and honoring veterans is especially important to the people of New Britain.

Frank Gerratana photo

Memorials are placed throughout New Britain, remembering those who served, and especially those who gave their lives, in different wars.

Remembrance and honor for those who served is around the city all of the time.

Special places of honor in the city are reserved for these memorials.

The city has long held to the tradition of holding separate memorial ceremonies at each of the monuments, reading the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and remembering where they fought and what they did.

The monuments are in major city parks and public squares throughout New Britain.

In a city, so many of whose people made the ultimate sacrifice for the country, keeping the memory of those who served, and especially those who gave their lives, has long been held as important.