Democratic Registered Voters to Choose Party Committee Members in Ward 1 and Ward 3 Tuesday
New Britain residents registered to vote as Democrats in Ward 1 and Ward 2 will have their say as to who will represent them on the New Britain Democratic Party’s governing Town Committee in the March 5th primary election this Tuesday. The election is to be held only in Ward 1 and Ward 3, two […]
New Life II and Wildflower Alliance Present Exhibit, “A Call to Action: Black Movement Leaders: Past & Present”
New Britain’s New Life II Ministries, in partnership with Wildflower Alliance from Western Massachusetts, are presenting an exhibit, “Black Movement History Leaders: Past and Present”, at the New Life II’s downtown Recovery Community Center. The organizations held a reception for the exhibit Thursday. In addition to being on view at New Life II, the exhibit […]
Is spending $2.7 million on a Reception Pavilion at Stanley Golf Course Justified?
The February 28 New Britain Common Council meeting has an agenda item requesting the Common Council to approve funding an installation of a reception pavilion in the New Britain-owned golf course for $2,698,000 by Diversity Construction Group LLC of Wallingford, CT. While a reception pavilion at the golf course would provide a location to host […]
The City of New Britain Celebrates Black History Month
Congresswoman Jahanna Hayes Joins the City Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities in Honoring Nine Prominent Black Residents By Jessica Angelo-Julien, MBA, JPChair, New Britain Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities On February 22nd nine prominent black residents were recognized for their contributions to the city. It is important to acknowledge the work done by […]
Council To Consider Reducing Restrictions Hitting the Homeless
The New Britain City Council’s Democratic majority members are proposing changes to city ordinances that have onerous impact on the homeless in the city. Homelessness, together with the high cost of housing, have been growing concerns, with rent and housing costs becoming unaffordable for many people. Ward 2 Council member, Ald. Lori McAdam (D-2), has […]
The Renaissance Of The Dual Language Program At Diloreto School
It was 2012 and the major item on the New Britain School Board meeting agenda was the closure of the dual language program at Diloreto school. Superintendent Kelt Cooper with the support of the president of the school board Sharon Saavedra were proposing to replace a popular program that allowed the children of Diloreto K-8 […]
City to Hold Arch Street Improvement Project Open House and Workshop
The city has announced that there will be an “Arch Street Improvement Project Open House and Workshop”. The event is to be February 29, 2024 at 4:00pm in the Police Station Community Room. The city Public Works Department says that, Our design team will be on hand to discuss ideas for the project and answer […]
New Britain Council Committee Recommends Approval of Zone Change for Mount Pleasant Redevelopment
The New Britain City Council’s Zoning Subcommittee has approved a proposed rezoning of the Mount Pleasant area, ahead of the widely expected plan for redevelopment of the Mount Pleasant neighborhood. The redevelopment plan that the proposed zone change relates to calls for the demolition of the existing Mount Pleasant neighborhood and replacement with a new […]
New Britain NAACP to Host Pasta Dinner Fundraiser and Membership Event
Saying, “There are so many pasta-bilities when you get involved in your community,” the NAACP New Britain Branch is planning a pasta dinner fundraiser and membership event. The event is to be Saturday, March 16, 2024, from 12:00pm to 3:00pm at Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church. The event is $40 for pasta dinner and NAACP membership, […]
California Congresswoman and New Britain Native Anna Eshoo To Retire At End of Term
1960 NBHS Graduate Grew Up In City’s Armenian and Assyrian Communities U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo (CA-16) a member of Congress representing California’s “Silicon Valley” and a close friend of House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (CA-11), is retiring at the end of this term after serving more than 30 years in the House of Representatives. Rep. Eshoo, first […]
Debut of “Butterflies of Hope” Exhibit to Benefit Children in Ukraine
The PDClub in New Britain’s Little Poland will host the Community Help Organization‘s debut exhibit of its “Butterflies of Hope” project. “Delight in the vibrant expressions of children’s art, crafted to infuse positivity into the lives of those affected by war, sickness, and personal tragedy,” say event organizers. ‘Your presence and support will contribute to […]
NAACP Economic Development Committee and Multicultural Business Coalition to Hold Meeting Honoring Black History Month
The NAACP Economic Development Committee and Multicultural Business Coalition are planning its upcoming February meeting. “To honor Black History Month,” say event organizers Michele Stewart-Copes and Candyce Scott, “we will be supporting one of our new Black businesses, Pergola Event Space LLC, on 21 Arch Street in New Britain. Jay Farquhason is the owner.” The […]
Early Voting Beginning in New Britain
Following new Connecticut state law early voting in Connecticut will be provided beginning with the April 2nd, 2024 presidential primaries. In a memo to the New Britain Common Council for its February 14, 2024 meeting, Peter Gostlin and Lucian Pawlak the Republican and Democratic registrars of voters recommended that The New Britain Senior Center on […]
Watershed: New Britain’s 1989 Mayoral Campaign
The Municipal Campaign That Changed New Britain Politics For A Generation Introduction to Part 3 In 1989, Donald DeFronzo became New Britain’s 34th Mayor ending the late William (Billy Mac) McNamara’s six terms as the city’s top elected official, a modern-day record not matched until last November when Mayor Erin Stewart won a sixth, two-year […]
Slates Contest Over “Future of the Democratic Party” in New Britain Primary Election
Competing slates for the New Britain Democratic Party’s governing Town Committee are offering different visions on the future of the Party to Democratic voters ahead of the March 5th primary election. The election is to be held in two of the city’s five wards for who is to represent Democratic voters on the Democratic Town […]
New Sex Education Program Will Tackle High Teenage Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections in New Britain
New Britain has the second highest teenage pregnancy in Connecticut according to the Connecticut Department of Health, with 24.3 pregnant teens per 1000 women ages 15-19 and is also 8th in the state in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). In the October 16, 2023 New Britain school Board Curriculum Committee meeting, Lara Bohike, the District 6-12 […]
Alton Brooks-The Voice of a Visionary
Interview with Mr. Alton Brooks-102 years old 1/13/2024 By Rev. Brian K. Riley Mr. Alton Brooks (102 years old) is a longtime community activist, friend to many, and a mentor to countless individuals. Mr. Brooks has a well-rounded foundation that includes spirituality, social justice and political activism and empowerment of people in the community. Mr. […]
Constituent Meeting To Be Held In Ward 4 By Ald. McNamara
Ward 4 City Council member, Ald. John McNamara (D-4), who is the Council’s Majority Leader has announced that he, “will host his first neighborhood meeting of the term to hear from residents and to provide an update on the city budget process and efforts to improve stormwater and sewer mains.” “I encourage citizens to join […]
Democratic Voters to Decide Party Committee Members in Wards 1 and 3
Democratic voters will decide who will represent them on the Democratic Party’s governing Town Committee in a party primary election in Wards 1 and 3. Ward 1 includes the West End, Willow Brook and Mount Pleasant neighborhoods and Ward 3 is located in the center of the city. Candidates on two opposing slates in each […]
Council to Take Up Proposal to Create Housing and Homelessness Committee
The City Council’s Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing is to take up a proposal to create a new Council Committee on Housing and Homelessness. “Unaffordable housing and homelessness has had a pervasive impact on our community,” a statement from the Council’s President Pro-Tempore, Ald. Francisco Santiago (D-5), said, adding that the new committee would, […]