26 March, 2025
1 min read

Legislators Speak at LWV Forum

The New Britain Area League of Women Voters held its Legislative Breakfast with area state legislators on January 19, 2019. Legislators representing different neighborhoods of New Britain spoke to the public about issues coming up in the state legislative session that just began. Former State Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-6), who was recently appointed as a […]

3 mins read

$21.8 Million in State Grants to New Britain Organizations and Schools Announced

Four prominent New Britain organizations and two schools are receiving what totals millions of dollars in grants from funding allocated by the State Bond Commission at its July 25, 2018 meeting. The grants allow the organizations and schools to purchase, expand or renovate facilities used for the services that they provide. The grants, totaling $21.8 million, […]

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Democrats Nominate Gerratana for Re-Election

Democrats endorsed State Sen. Terry Bielinski Gerratana (D-6) for re-election to a fifth term in the State Senate. Democrats held their Sixth Senatorial District nominating convention on May 22, 2018 at Five Churches Brewing, at 193 Arch Street. Republicans, last week, announced that they have endorsed the City Council’s Republican leader, Ald. Robert Smedley (R-4), as […]

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New Britain Legislators and Residents Celebrate Polish Day at the Capitol

New Britain legislators and residents joined many others at the State Capitol to celebrate the 227th Anniversary of the 1791 Polish Constitution, widely regarded, along with the United States Constitution, as an historic advance in world history toward democracy. Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman (D-CT), State Senator Theresa Bielinski Gerratana (D-6), State Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26), […]

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Borinquen Bakery Honored by State and Local Legislators on Anniversary

The owners and staff of the Borinquen Bakery were recognized by state and local legislators on February 1st, 2018 in celebration of sixteen years as a thriving business in the city and the one year anniversary at its new location on Arch Street. State Senator Terry Gerratana (D-6) and State Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25), together with City […]

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2018 League of Women Voters Legislative Brunch Jan 6th

The New Britain Area League of Women Voters will hold its 2018 Legislative Brunch on January, 6, 2018. The League of Women Voters holds their Legislative Brunch before the upcoming state legislative session to give members of the League and the public the opportunity to ask questions and hear legislators comments about upcoming issues. The […]

2 mins read

New Britain Rally Held to “Stop Trumpcare, Save Healthcare”

About 70 people rallied in front of Access Health in New Britain to voice their opposition to Republican plans to cut access to health care and to express support for expanding health care access. The rally, to “Stop Trumpcare, Save Healthcare,” was announced by organizers as a joint effort of the New Britain Democrats, Our […]

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Gerratana Leads the Way on Prohibiting “Conversion Therapy”

Democratic State Senator Terry Gerratana led the approval of a bill in the Senate that prohibits the practice of so-called “conversion therapy”, a widely discredited practice aimed at changing a minor’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The legislation, House Bill 6695, received unanimous, bipartisan support in the State Senate. It was previously approved by a vote of 141-8 in […]

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Democratic Legislators Announce Approval of Funding for New Columbus Commons Housing Construction

New Britain state legislators announced the approval of funding for a mixed-use development on the site of New Britain’s old police station. Senator Terry Gerratana (D-New Britain), Representative Bobby Sanchez (D-New Britain), Peter Tercyak (D-New Britain), Representative Rick Lopes (D-New Britain) announced the new building, which will be called “Columbus Commons.” Senator Gerratana, in announcing […]

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New Britain Residents Rally Against Republican Health Care Repeal

Press Pool Story New Britain residents were among the hundreds of people who rallied at the State Capitol on January 15th to oppose Republican plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a move that would cost many New Britain residents their health care coverage and weaken health care for many more. The rally was called […]

2 mins read

Esty Holds Forum with Gerratana on Defending Democracy

By Tim O’Brien Columnist Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-5) held a forum, with State Senator Terry Gerratana (D-6) on August 31st in the New Britain Public Library to highlight the growing threats to our democracy from big money politics and voter suppression. “Too many Americans feel as though their voices simply aren’t being heard in our democracy,” […]

6 mins read

Senator Gerratana Rises To The Challenge Of Re-election

By Nathan Cheatham Executive Editor   As the Presidential election sweeps the country, Connecticut towns are gearing up for state elections. Among those preparing for re-election is state Senator Terry Gerratana, who may be challenged for the seat by another Democrat in a possible August primary. Last month Gerratana announced her campaign for re-election to […]

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