28 March, 2025
2 mins read

Hayes Wins NB and Nomination, Stewart Loses Despite NB Votes

Waterbury educator Jahana Hayes won more votes from New Britain Democrats than former Simsbury First Selectman Mary Glassman, helping Hayes in her victory in the August 14, 2018 primary for the Democratic nomination for the Fifth Congressional District. Meanwhile Republican Mayor Erin Stewart was defeated in her campaign to be the Republican nominee for Lieutenant […]

3 mins read

Candidates and Polling Places for August 14, 2018 Primaries

On Tuesday, August 14th, Democratic and Republican voters will go to polls to choose their parties’ nominees for numerous offices up for election in 2018. Democrats will be able to choose between businessman Ned Lamont and Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim to be the Democratic nominee for Governor. Democrats will be able to choose separately in […]

3 mins read

Candidates Make Appearances in New Britain As Primaries Approach

When, on a hot July day, Democratic Congressional Candidate Jahana Hayes greeted residents at the New Britain Diner, she was among a number of Democratic candidates who have been visiting New Britain to meet people in the city ahead of the upcoming primary elections. On August 14th voters will make a number of key decisions about […]

5 mins read

New Britain’s Congressional Delegate Votes Front-And-Center at Democrats’ Hearing

The State Democratic Party held a hearing by a five member panel appointed to consider challenges to the outcome of the Democratic Fifth District Congressional Convention. The proceedings were in response to official complaints at the request of the NAACP and by the Mayor of Waterbury. The convention had resulted in Democratic party endorsement for former […]

2 mins read

New Britain Votes at Issue at State Democratic Hearing on 5th District Endorsement

The State Democratic Party will hold a hearing on June 7th on complaints filed about the Fifth District Democratic Convention, including complaints about New Britain delegate votes. The convention resulted in Democratic party endorsement for former Simsbury First Selectman Mary Glassman, while Waterbury educator Jahana Hayes and New Britain Ald. Manny Sanchez (D-AL) qualified to primary for […]

2 mins read

Democrats Nominate Sanchez and Tercyak for Re-Election, Republicans Nominate Collins in 26th

The New Britain Democrats nominated State Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) and State Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26th) for re-election in the two State Assembly districts that are entirely within New Britain. The Twenty-Fifth District and the Twenty-Sixth District are both entirely within New Britain. Each party’s town committee directly endorses candidates for those seats. Democrats met […]

1 min read

Republicans Re-Nominate Petit in 22nd District

Republican State Rep. William A. Petit, Jr. (R-22) has been nominated for re-election by the Republicans from Plainville and a portion of New Britain. “It continues to be an honor serving as your state representative,” Petit said. “I want to help CT’s economy thrive again and build a future that all of us can afford.” […]

2 mins read

Democrats Endorse Lopes for Re-Election

Democratic State Representative Rick Lopes (D-24) was unanimously endorsed by Democrats for re-election for a fourth term in the State House of Representatives. “I’m humbled and honored to continue to serve the 24th district in the state legislature,” said Lopes. “I will continue to fight for issues important to the people of Connecticut.” Lopes was […]

1 min read

Glassman Wins Congressional Endorsement, While Sanchez and Hayes Qualify to Primary

New Britain delegates provided votes to help secure New Britain native Mary Glassman’s win in the Democratic endorsement for the Fifth Congressional District, while New Britain Alderman Manny Sanchez (D-AL) and Jahana Hayes of Waterbury won enough delegates to compete in a primary for the position. On the first ballot at the Fifth District Congressional nominating convention, […]

2 mins read

Republican Accusations Thrown Out: Merrill Gay Vindicated

The State Elections Enforcement Commission has dismissed a complaint filed by New Britain Republicans against 2017 Democratic Mayoral candidate Merrill Gay, saying, “the facts do not support the allegations.” As the 2017 mayoral election was heating up, Republican Party Chair Anthony Cane filed a complaint with a series accusations that sought to tie Gay with […]

3 mins read

Information Available on Where to Vote, and How to Register to Vote on Election Day, Nov 7, 2017

Editor’s note (11/1/2020): This article is from 2017. The New Britain Progressive has published a similar article for 2020, Registering and Voting This Tuesday Nov 3rd. City elections are coming up on Tuesday, November 7th for the offices of Mayor, City Council, Board of Education, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Board of Assessment Appeals and […]

4 mins read

Will Erin Stewart Get Another Off The Books Push From An Absentee Landlord in 2017?

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist On the eve of  the 2015 municipal election scores of  tenants in New Britain got a notice about a possible rent increase from their landlord. It wasn’t an official increase but a not so subtle endorsement of Mayor Erin Stewart who at the time was cruising to re-election for a […]

3 mins read

Board of Education Candidates Discuss Education Funding, Diversity and Special Education.

Democrat Violet Sims and Democrat Annie Parker join incumbent Democratic Board of Education member Daisy Sanchez in running for Board of Education opposite Republican Nancy Rodriguez, current Republican Board of Education President Nick Mercier and Republican Board of Education member Mallory Deprey. The Board of Education is responsible for managing and setting policy for the New Britain school district […]

1 min read

League of Women Voters Candidate Debates to Appear on Public Access TV Oct 25th to Nov 6th

The League of Women Voters has announced that its candidate debates will be aired from October 25, 2017 to November 6th on the area public access television system, Nutmeg TV. The debates, which occurred on October 14th, featured mayoral and city council candidates in this year’s November 7th city elections. The debate will be shown […]

8 mins read

At Large City Council Candidates Discuss Education, Economy and Water

Current Democratic Ald. Manny Sanchez (D-3) is joined by fellow Democrats, Eva Magnuszewski, Yvonne Muniz, Katie Breslin and Richard Reyes as the Democratic candidates for At-Large City Council members, facing Republican Desiree Costa and incumbent Republicans Tremell Collins (R-AL), Jim Sanders, Jr. (R-AL) and Daniel Davis (R-AL) and the Republican Council Leader Daniel Salerno (R-AL). […]

4 mins read

Ward 5 City Council Candidates Discuss Making City Hall Work for the Community

Democrat Francisco Santiago joins the Democratic City Council Leader Carlo Carlozzi Jr. as the Democratic candidates in the Ward 5 City Council election, with Republican Carmelo Rodriguez and Republican Miriam Geraci as their party’s candidates. New Britain’s Ward 5 includes the northwest and northernmost parts of the city. Ward 5 includes the neighborhoods around Slater Road and Corbin Avenue, […]

3 mins read

Ward 4 City Council Candidates Campaign on Education, Economy and Watershed Land

Democratic challengers Ann Speyer and Bobby Berriault are taking on incumbent Republicans Don Naples (R-4) and Robert Smedley (R-4) in the election for the two City Council seats representing New Britain’s Ward 4. New Britain’s Ward 4 elects two members of the City Council. The ward includes Little Poland, the Belvedere neighborhood, the Little Warsaw neighborhood, the Stanley […]

3 mins read

Ward 3 City Council Candidates Focus on Neighborhood Concerns

Democrats Iris Sanchez and Aram Ayalon and Republicans Joel Moret and Jason Gibson are running for the two City Council seats representing New Britain’s Ward 3. Sanchez and Ayalon say that they are running for City Council to advocate for public services for the working class and the elderly and to protecting water and air quality. Ward 3 […]

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