Board of Education
Legislators and Council and BOE Members to Hold Community Forum
I community forums is being planned by members of the New Britain state legislative delegation, including Rep Dave DeFronzo (D-26), Rep Bobby Sanchez (D-25), Rep Manny Sanchez (D-24) and Sen Rick Lopes (D-6), who are to be joined by the City Council Assistant Majority Leader, Ald Iris Sanchez (D-3) and Board of Education Secretary Diana […]
Dr. Anthony Gasper Is Appointed New Britain School Superintendent
The New Britain Board of Education has named Dr. Anthony Gasper as the new Superintendent for New Britain’s school system.
Family Forum Planned on Schools Budget
The Consolidated School District of New Britain is focusing its February, “Family/Community Forum,” on the school system budget for the upcoming budget year.
School District to Hold Community Forum
The Consolidated School District of New Britain (CSDNB) has announced that it will hold a community forum as, “an opportunity to let your voice be heard…”
A Baseball Back to School Bash, Aug 28th
The Consolidated School District is holding its annual Back to School Bash at New Britain Stadium this year for a New Britain Bees game. The 2018 event is to be Tuesday, August 28th. The event, which starts at 5:30pm, is being held in partnership with the New Britain Bees and Whitsons. The school district says, “Thanks […]
Michael Foran Appointed Assistant Superintendent
Longtime New Britain educator Michael Foran has been named as Assistant Superintendent. Foran was appointed by the Board of Education at a special meeting on July 31st. Superintendent Nancy Sarra had recommended that the Board approve Foran’s appointment to the position. Sarra said that Foran, “is a true instructional leader. He has a calming presence and […]
Board of Education Makes Appointments to Administrative Positions
Consolidated School District of New Britain has announced that the Board of Education has filled a number of administrative positions in the school district ahead of the upcoming school year. The school district announced appointments to nine positions. Michael Foran, who was appointed as Assistant Superintendent. Mark Spalding, appointed as Director of Pupil Services. Danielle […]
Board of Education to Vote on New Britain High School Principal
The Consolidated School District of New Britain has announced that there will be a special meeting of the Board of Education, June 20, 2018. The announcement says that the meeting is to, “vote on Superintendent Nancy Sarra’s recommendation for the next New Britain High School Principal.” The meeting is to be at 6:30pm at the […]
Top 10 of 2017: #2 – Stewart’s Plan for a 23% Increase in Mayoral Salary
Many important stories have been covered by the New Britain Progressive in 2017. It may be difficult to name only a few articles as the top stories of the year, but there are a few the New Britain Progressive would like to share as our Top Ten. Other Top Ten stories can be found at “Top Ten Stories of […]
Democrats Say Board of Education Seat Vacant After Daisy Sanchez Resigns
The New Britain Democratic Party has announced that a vacancy has occurred in a Democratic seat on the Board of Education. According to Bill Shortell, the Chair of the New Britain Democratic Party, the vacancy was created when Democrat Daisy Sanchez resigned from the Board to take an administrative position. Sanchez was elected to the […]
Top 10 of 2017: #3 – Budget Woes Grow With Debt, a Downgrade and Frozen Education Support
Many important stories have been covered by the New Britain Progressive in 2017. It may be difficult to name only a few articles as the top stories of the year, but there are a few the New Britain Progressive would like to share as our Top Ten. Other Top Ten stories can be found at […]
Board of Education Candidates Discuss Education Funding, Diversity and Special Education.
Democrat Violet Sims and Democrat Annie Parker join incumbent Democratic Board of Education member Daisy Sanchez in running for Board of Education opposite Republican Nancy Rodriguez, current Republican Board of Education President Nick Mercier and Republican Board of Education member Mallory Deprey. The Board of Education is responsible for managing and setting policy for the New Britain school district […]
League of Women Voters to Hold Forum for Board of Education Candidates, Sept 11th
The New Britain Area League of Women Voters will hold an “Eat, Meet and Greet Pasta Pot Luck” to allow people to “ask questions and get to know” candidates for Board of Education in this year’s city elections. The forum will be Monday, September, 11th at 6:00pm in the Trinity-On-Main Rotunda Room at the corner […]
Proposed 23% Mayoral Pay Increase Re-Emerges As Issue in Debate on School System Salaries
The proposal promoted by Republican Mayor Erin Stewart to increase the mayor’s salary by 23% was thrust again into attention by the recent controversy among city Republicans about the salary levels of three school system staff members. In a recent article and editorial in the New Britain City Journal, Republican elected officials allied with Stewart […]
23 Students Graduate After Summer School
Twenty-three students received their high school diplomas on August 17, 2017 after completing summer school studies. “I know many of you displayed perseverance and grit to get here,” said New Britain High School Principal Joseph Pinchera, speaking at the graduation ceremony. “It would’ve been easy for you to give up, but you didn’t. As you […]
Stewart Allies Criticize Kane Salary Three Months After Stewart Objected to Kane Comments on City Budget
The criticism, by allies of Republican Mayor Erin Stewart, of a decision by the Board of Education to increase the salaries of school system Chief Financial Officer Kevin Kane came about three months after Stewart, herself, publicly criticized Kane because of a presentation by Kane that Stewart took as critical of her then-proposed budget. In a […]
GOP Alderman Hits School Board On Salaries But Rubber Stamps Pay Hikes, More Spending At City Hall
By John McNamara The sometimes fragile relations between City Hall and the Board of Education took a backward step this week over complaints from Ward 2 Republican Alderman Kristian Rosado appearing in the New Britain City Journal. Rosado, in a front-page story in the City Journal, derided a unanimous BOE move on salary increases for […]
Lisa Torres Named as Principal of Lincoln School
Lisa Torres will be the new principal of Lincoln Elementary School. Torres, the Assistant Principal at DiLoreto Elementary & Middle School for the past four years, was appointed to the top post at Lincoln by the Board of Education on June 14th. “I am both humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve the students, […]
Democrat Merrill Gay Announces City Elections Exploratory Committee
Press Pool Story Democratic Board of Education member and longtime activist, Merrill Gay, has announced that he has formed an exploratory committee to begin raising funds to run for office in November’s city election. “All around us we see the need to make change happen ourselves when we don’t like what we see. I am […]
By the Numbers: Statistical Debate Concerns Educational Quality in New Britain
Press Pool Story A critique of Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s education record by Democratic City Council candidate Bobby Berriault sparked a heated internet debate in January about education in New Britain and whether to view statistics about the city’s schools as a sign of progress or as a measure of how far the community has […]