Early Voting Referendum Is A Priority for New Britain Area League of Women Voters
An Agenda For Citizen Involvement in 2022 Discussed at July 11th Annual Meeting By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The New Britain Area League of Women Voters (LWV) held its 49th annual meeting on July 11th and made passage of a referendum allowing early voting in CT a focus of voter education activities. The November […]
Dr. Ghannam’s M.F. & E. Investigative Services Offers Investigative Tutoring Services
Dr. Yvette Ghannam’s M.F. & E. Investigative Services announces that it is offering Investigative Tutoring Services and other instruction.
Dr. Ghannam’s M.F. & E. Investigative Services Offers Investigative Tutoring Services
Dr. Yvette Ghannam’s M.F. & E. Investigative Services announces that it is offering Investigative Tutoring Services and other instruction.
Incumbents Demicco, Slap Endorsed By Farmington Democrats
Plainville’s Democratic Chair Runs For Open 22nd House District FARMINGTON – Legislative races for candidates to represent Farmington and Plainville in the General Assembly have been set with party endorsements during May in the 5th State Senate and 21st and 22nd State Representative districts. House District 21 Deputy Majority Leader Mike Demicco (D-21), first elected […]
NB Dems Endorse Incumbents For State Representative; GOP Picks Challengers
Campaign 2022: Election Day Is November 8th Democratic Party endorsements for newly-drawn State Assembly Districts in New Britain were made at a Town Committee meeting at City Hall May 19th completing a slate of endorsed candidates for the November election. State Representatives Manny Sanchez (D-24), Bobby Sanchez (D-25) and Peter Tercyak (D-26) received unanimous support […]
Probate Judge Contest Is A Rematch Of 2021 Special Election: Republican Carrier vs. Democrat Rivera
By John McNamara Attorney and former Common Council Leader William Rivera won the Democratic Party’s endorsement for Judge of Probate last week setting up a rematch of last year’s special election won by Attorney Michael Carrier. Convention delegates from Berlin and New Britain nominated Rivera without opposition. In accepting the endorsement Rivera acknowledged Carrier, who […]
State Auditor Geragosian Of New Britain To Lead National Association
State Auditor John Geragosian, a former New Britain state representative from the 25th Assembly District, is the incoming President of the National State Auditors Association (NSAA), an affiliate of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (NASACT). Geragosian, currently serving on the group’s executive committee, will be elected to the post in June. […]
Council Committee Nixes Registrars’ Plan To Reduce Polling Places
Deadline Is May 11th To Finalize Voting Locations By John McNamara A plan by both Democratic and Republican Registrars of Voters to reduce the city’s Election Day polling places from 17 to 12 was unanimously tabled by the Common Council’s Committee on Finance, Administration and Law on May 4th less than a week before the […]
Remembering MLK And His Last Day
Saturday Program and Wreath Laying On 54th Anniversary Of Assassination On Saturday, April 2nd the City will observe the anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr with a 10 a.m. program at Smalley Elementary School that will be followed by a wreath laying at MLK Park hosted by the Mary McLeod Bethune Club […]
Campaign cash soared in ’21 municipal election but voter turnout declined
By John McNamara “Money is the mother’s milk of politics” goes the observation first coined in the 1960s that applies to almost every state and federal election cycle as all kinds of committees and special interests raise billions in reported and anonymous donations. That old saying about money in politics applies less frequently to local elections where […]
“Morning Without Child Care” Rally Set for Tuesday in New Britain
Coalition Says State Needs $700 Million To Address A “Crisis” Advocates of affordable child care are organizing a “Morning without child care” rally on Tuesday March 15th at child care centers across the state, including a New Britain rally at the Human Resources Agency (HRA) on Clinton Street. Coalition leaders, who include New Britain Board […]
Council Resolution Proposed To Support Ukraine
Local Responses Grow To War, Humanitarian Crisis By John McNamara A resolution affirming Ukraine’s “independence and territorial integrity” will be considered by the New Britain Common Council at its March 9th meeting. Alderman Aram Ayalon (D-3), consulting with members of the city’s Ukrainian and Polish communities, is submitting a resolution as war and a humanitarian […]
Unity urged after shooting incident near high school
Four Republican BOE Members Call For Early Buyout Of Retiring Superintendent By John McNamara Leaders of “Ice the Beef” (ITB), a regional anti violence and youth empowerment group, gathered with several residents and educators at New Britain High School (NBHS) on Sunday calling for an end to divisiveness and new actions that will reduce violence […]
Campaign 2022: Fictional Bob On TV Is Same Bob Who Ran For Governor in 2018
by John McNamara Bob Stefanowski’s story is the stuff of hardscrabble immigrants making it to America in the 20th century to raise their families and realize the American Dream. That is the narrative in Republican Stefanowski’s re-branding to voters in his first television commercial for Connecticut’s GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2022. No doubt that Mr. Stefanowski’s parents […]
New Coalition Pushes for Child Care Investments To Close Gaps
40% of CT Families Live In “Child Care Deserts”; Shortage Is Severe in New Britain By John McNamara New Britain is one of the communities in affluent Connecticut with significant “child care deserts” — places where a high percentage of working and middle income families do not have access to quality and affordable services for […]
Behind Mayor Stewart’s War On Supt. Sarra and the BOE
The vandalism and trouble that occurred at New Britain High School in September needlessly escalated the rift between Mayor Erin Stewart and New Britain School District leaders.
The Return of Tim Stewart: Ex-Mayor Chairs SBC As $50M School Project Begins
By John McNamara Former Mayor Tim Stewart is the new Chairperson of the School Building Committee, gaining reappointment by his daughter, Mayor Erin Stewart, just as the seven-member committee moves forward with expenditures on the $50 million major renovation at the Chamberlain Elementary School on the city’s East Side. The former four-term Mayor resigned from the […]
New Britain Forum with guest Ronald P. Davis
Guest Ronald P. Davis joins host John McNamara on the first edition of the New Britain Forum by the New Britain Progressive.
“A New Revolution” Marches Against Racism
Perhaps two thousand people marched through the streets of New Britain today, demanding change in society to end racist inequality and violence.
Ghannam Announces Tutoring & Investigative Business
Dr. Yvette Ghannam, well known in New Britain for her community activism and neighborhood leadership, has announced a new business.