Pathways/Senderos to Hold Annual Walkathon
The Pathways/Senderos Center will hold its 2019 Pathways Walkathon, an autumn tradition the organization has held for twenty-one years. “Join us for a walk around the park, refreshments and a raffle!” says the organization, adding, “All proceeds benefit the boys and girls of the Pathways/Senderos Center!” The event will on Sunday, September 29, 2019. It […]
Meetings and Events Sep 2nd to Sep 8th
City meetings and community events coming up during the week of Mon, Sep 2, 2019 to Sun, Sep 8th includes celebration of organized workers on Labor Day.
NAACP to Encourage Students on First School Day
The NAACP New Britain Branch is again organizing its annual event to encourage students as they arrive for the first day of the school year.
Baron Defends Reid Cancellation
As President of the Polonia Business Association, I have been asked to respond to the recent controversy surrounding the cancelled talk of a self described historian in New Britain.
Diaspora Empowerment Series To Discuss Urban Education
The Diaspora Multicultural Society will focus its next First Fridays Empowerment Series event on the subject of Urban Education.
Moving Mountains After-School Program Announced by OIC
The Opportunities Industrialization Center of New Britain has announced its 2019-2020 Moving Mountains After-School Program.
Celtic Magic at HITW
The Hole in the Wall Theater will host a presentation of “Celtic Magic: An Evening of Irish Grand Illusion” in a one-weekend show. The Theater says that the show, by Illusionists Daniel GreenWolf & Bella, “combines Magic, theatrical storytelling, quick-witted comedy, and a few death-defying feats with the beauty of Irish culture to create a unique […]
Tanksley to Hold Campaign Kick-Off
Deivone Tanksley Sr., who is a petitioning candidate for mayor, has announced that he will hold his official campaign kick off event this week.
“Ice Cream With A Cop” Event Planned
The New Britain Police Department has announced that it will hold an “Ice Cream With A Cop” event in the North-Oak neighborhood.
Meetings and Events Aug 26th to Sep 1st
City meetings and community events coming up during the week of Mon, Aug 26th to Sun, Sep 1st includes “Celtic Magic” at the Hole in the Wall Theater.
Crowds Attend Porcher Flag Football Tournament
Crowds of residents gathered on a warm and cloudy Sunday for a back-to-school flag football tournament organized by mayor candidate Chris Porcher.
Armenian Festival to Be Held
Armenian music, food and culture will be celebrated in New Britain as the Armenian Church of the Holy Resurrection holds its traditional Armenian Festival.
Which Park? The Answer
On August 11, 2019, the New Britain Progressive asked readers to guess in which of New Britain’s city parks photos were taken. New Britain has a variety of parks, with different features, from sports facilities to idyllic woods. The photos in the August 11th article taken were of woodland views, and that narrowed the results […]
Free Breakfast and Lunch for Kids at City Schools
The New Britain school district has announced that school breakfast and lunches are to be provided to students in the city’s schools at no charge.
Porcher to Hold Flag Football Tournament
In an unusual move for a mayoral candidate, Chris Porcher has announced that he is organizing a back-to-school flag football tournament.
2019 Dożynki Festival Coming Up
As the summer winds into its final weeks, New Britain is about to enjoy its traditional Polish Harvest Festival, the New Britain Dożynki.
New Champions in 2019 Osgood Shootout
Flight Fam, led by former University of Washington star Mike Anderson, and the Waterbury Ballers were the winners of the 2019 Osgood Shootout.
Meetings and Events Aug 19th to 25th
City meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, August 19, 2019 to Sunday, August 25th include the Dożynki Festival.
Festa Italiana Celebrates Italian Culture
Crowds came out to enjoy the community celebration of Italian culture and cuisine at the St. Ann’s Festa Italiana in New Britain.
Cookout to Support Progressive Action
Former State Senator Terry Gerratana and Dr. Frank Gerratana hosted the Twelfth Annual Backyard Barbecue in support of the Connecticut Citizen Action Group.