Jr Canes Open Registration for 10th Anniversary Year
The New Britain Jr Canes, celebrating its tenth anniversary year, is beginning early registration for its next season of football and cheerleading.
Eastside NRZ to Hold Monthly Meeting
The New Britain Eastside Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) has announced that it will hold its monthly meeting for March.
Hermanowski, Tully and Wisniewski Win Democratic Town Committee Primary
On “Super Tuesday” presidential primary day in many states, Democrats in a New Britain Voting District were also electing Democratic Town Committee members.
Democratic Town Committee Primary Results
The results appear in for the Primary Election for Democratic Town Committee in New Britain’s 11th Voting District. Results from the polling place at Holmes School show the winners as Larry Hermanowski with 61 votes, John Tully with 55 votes and Lisa Wisniewski with 53 votes. In the top three of four election, Bobby Berriault […]
CCSU Africana Studies Center to Hold Conference
The CCSU Center for Africana Studies is holding its 26th Annual Africana Studies Conference, honoring Anthropology professor, Dr. Warren Perry. The Conference is themed, “Excavating Truths: Revealing Untold Stories of Free and Captive Africans in the Northeastern U.S.” The all day conference is on Thursday, March 5, 2020, from 9:00am to 4:00pm. At 10:00am, there […]
Happening in New Britain Mar 2nd to 8th
New Britain meetings and events during the week of Mon, Mar 2nd to Sun, Mar 8th include the 11th Voting District Democratic Town Committee primary election.
Voting District 11 Democrats to Elect Town Committee Members
Democratic Party members who live in Voting District 11 will vote Tuesday to elect three fellow Democrats to represent them on the Democratic Town Committee
Nzinga’s Daughters’ to Present Underground Railroad Performance
Nzinga’s Daughters will present their Underground Railroad performance at the New Britain Public Library this morning.
Pastor Dana Smith Elected North-Oak NRZ President
The North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) has elected new leadership, headed by Pastor Dana Smith as President.
NBMAA to Hold Mardi Gras ‘Museum After Dark’
The New Britain Museum of American Art (NBMAA) plans to feature a Mardi Gras theme at its next ‘Museum After Dark’ event this week.
City to Consider Raises for Mayor, Council, Other Officials
A City Council committee is set to begin a process of considering possible raises in the salaries of the office of mayor, Council and other city officials.
CCSU to Hold 17th Annual Amistad Lecture
Virginia Tech professor, Dr. Biko Agozino, will be the guest lecturer Central Connecticut State University’s 17th Annual Amistad Lecture.
Happening in New Britain Feb 24th to Mar 1st
New Britain city meetings and community events during the week of Monday, February 24, 2020 to Sunday, March 1st include the North-Oak NRZ elections.
Fee Power Requested by Council Resolution Apparently Might Apply to Nonprofits, Others
A Council resolution would ask the state to let municipalities charge fees, that apparently might affect charities, houses of worship and others.
Council Democrats’s ‘Community Conversation’ Changes Location
The City Council Democrats’ ‘Community Conversation’ event tomorrow, to discuss city issues, has changed locations to Jackie’s Gourmet Restaurant.
North-Oak Neighborhood Clean Up Planned
The organization, Friends of Willow Street Park, has announced that it is organizing a North-Oak neighborhood clean-up day.
Gov. Lamont Names Awilda Reasco of New Britain to State Education Board
Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT) has announced that he has appointed Awilda Reasco of New Britain and three others to the State Board of Education.
Lacourciere Announces State Representative Campaign
Democrat Richard Lacourciere has announced that he is running for State Representative in the Twenty-Fourth Assembly District.
Pastor Dana Smith Running for North-Oak President
Longtime community activist, Pastor Dana Smith, has announced that he is running to be the President of the North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone.
‘Community Conversation’ to be Hosted by Council Democrats
City Council Democrats have announced that they plan to host a ‘Community Conversation’ event to discuss city issues with community residents.