26 March, 2025
2 mins read

Proposed 23% Mayoral Pay Increase Re-Emerges As Issue in Debate on School System Salaries

The proposal promoted by Republican Mayor Erin Stewart to increase the mayor’s salary by 23% was thrust again into attention by the recent controversy among city Republicans about the salary levels of three school system staff members. In a recent article and editorial in the New Britain City Journal, Republican elected officials allied with Stewart […]

2 mins read

Democratic Legislators Announce Approval of Funding for New Columbus Commons Housing Construction

New Britain state legislators announced the approval of funding for a mixed-use development on the site of New Britain’s old police station. Senator Terry Gerratana (D-New Britain), Representative Bobby Sanchez (D-New Britain), Peter Tercyak (D-New Britain), Representative Rick Lopes (D-New Britain) announced the new building, which will be called “Columbus Commons.” Senator Gerratana, in announcing […]

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