25 March, 2025
6 mins read

City Will Match State Bonding With $4.2 Million For Allen Street Flooding

Council To Review Recommendations On Late Audit Reports July 22 An infrastructure improvement plan to address longstanding stormwater and sewer main problems in the neighborhood between Allen Street and Roxbury Road near CCSU is taking shape in a cooperative effort by state legislators and the Stewart Administration. In recent months Common Council-approved engineering work has […]

74 mins read

Watershed: New Britain’s 1989 Mayoral Campaign

The Municipal Campaign That Changed New Britain Politics For A Generation Introduction to Part 3 In 1989, Donald DeFronzo became New Britain’s 34th Mayor ending the late William (Billy Mac) McNamara’s six terms as the city’s top elected official, a modern-day record not matched until last November when Mayor Erin Stewart won a sixth, two-year […]

81 mins read

Watershed: New Britain’s 1989 Mayoral Campaign (Part 2)

The Municipal Election That Changed New Britain Politics For A Generation Introduction In 1989, Donald DeFronzo became New Britain’s 34th Mayor ending the late William (Billy Mac) McNamara’s six terms as the city’s top elected official, a modern-day record not matched until last November when Mayor Erin Stewart won a sixth, two-year term. “During the […]

66 mins read

Watershed: New Britain’s 1989 Mayoral Campaign (Part I)

The Municipal Election That Changed New Britain Politics For A Generation Introduction: In 1989, Donald DeFronzo became New Britain’s 34th Mayor ending the late William (Billy Mac) McNamara’s six terms as the city’s top elected official, a modern-day record not matched until last November when Mayor Erin Stewart won a sixth, two-year term. “During the […]

5 mins read

Op-Ed: Council Democrats Address Stormwater, Audit and Shelter For Unhoused Issues

Hearing From Citizens Will Be Essential During City Budget Process Two months into a new term the new Democratic majority on the Common Council is working on key issues raised in last year’s municipal election and in responding to public concerns on housing and shelter for the unhoused, stormwater infrastructure and the status of the […]

6 mins read

Senate Bill For Clear Language On Municipal Charter Referendums Advances

By John McNamara HARTFORD – Legislation sponsored by New Britain lawmakers to require clear language on city charter and other municipal ballot questions received a joint favorable (JF) report from the General Assembly’s Government Administration and Elections Committee March 22nd. The Committee approved advancing the bill for possible floor action 14 to 5 on a […]

2 mins read

CPOA To Donate To Police K-9s For Its Last Act

Conservative Taxpayer Group Is Dissolving After 90 Years By John McNamara (Update: The resolution concerning the dissolution of the CPOA and its donation was withdrawn at the meeting) NEW BRITAIN – The Citizen Property Owners Association (CPOA), a conservative taxpayer group and one of the city’s oldest citizen organizations, is dissolving and plan to donate […]

5 mins read

Does New Britain need a chief operating officer and a full time mayor?

Misleading Referendum Proposes High Level Patronage Job To Manage Municipal Government by John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – Creating a new chief operating officer to manage the municipality and making town clerk and tax collector jobs appointed instead of elected offices are big and very different questions for a referendum vote in November.Voters, however, won’t have […]

5 mins read

School Building Committee Resolution Curtails Checks and Balances On Construction Projects

“A consequence of the new SBC resolution is that it contributes to a bigger divide between City Hall and the BOE. New Britain’s close to last ranking in how much the municipal government contributes to public schools is a perennial and contentious issue at budget time every year and this year is no exception.” By […]

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