25 March, 2025
1 min read

Black Democratic Club Continues Voter Empowerment

By Tim O’Brien Columnist New Britain has a great need for dedicated advocates for voter empowerment. Our community has a very real history of voter suppression by those charged with operating our election process. That is why it is more important than ever that New Britain’s people remain highly organized to fight for their rights and […]

5 mins read

Basing Our Support of Democratic Candidates On the Company They Keep

By Rhona Cohen Opinion Editor There are two very consequential local democratic primaries happening in New Britain on August 9th.   Local elections are hardly ever discussed anywhere in statewide media, which might lead folks to believe they are of no consequence. However, they have major and reverberating effects, both locally and nationally.  New Britain […]

1 min read

Improving Equality and Justice in New Britain, Starting with Voting Rights

By Tim O’Brien Columnist As New Britain joined people nationwide in mourning the lives lost in senseless violent acts, the Black Ministerial Alliance of New Britain led the way in bringing people in the community together in a “Community Prayer for Peace Service for those who lost their lives at the hands of Law Enforcement […]

8 mins read

Ways to Improve Police-Community Relations, When Tensions are Rising Nationwide.

By Cody DallaValle Unsolicited Op-Ed Why is it that police and the communities that they are assigned to protect sometimes have sour relationships? Obviously this question doesn’t have just one universal answer; the answer depends upon myriad variables such as quality and intelligence of officers, the mood of citizens, current events, distrust on both sides, and […]

6 mins read

The Selling Of Patton Brook Well: Will New Britain Get A Fair Price To Help Southington Address Its Water Crisis?

—– Mayor Stewart’s Lowered $1 Million Price Drastically Undervalues Patton Brook Well  —– By John McNamara Contributing Columnist A Monday, July 11th public hearing at New Britain City Hall will take up a proposed sale of the city’s Patton Brook Well in Southington as that town’s water commission faces growing challenges to address its need […]

4 mins read

A Case for Direct Citizen-Initiated Ballot Measures in Connecticut.

 By Cody DallaValle of Torrington Unsolicited Op-Ed There are only two ways to change the constitution of our great state, they are outlined in Articles 12 & 13. The first method is called a legislatively referred amendment which requires both chambers of the legislature to vote on and pass the amendment twice, with more than […]

2 mins read

Smalley Academy Renovation Cost Jumps To $53m; Public Hearing Wednesday, June 22, At Council Committee

By John McNamera Contributing Columnist What’s behind a $53 million price tag for renovations to  Smalley Academy, a K-5 elementary school near downtown and North-Oak Streets?  That question should be on the minds of the Common Council after initial estimates by school officials were closer to $30 million last year. The earlier estimate by school […]

2 mins read

Registrars Moves To Re-Locate Two Polling Places For Primary, November Election

By John McNamara Contributing Columnist New Britain’s Registrars of Voters are moving to change polling places in Districts 6 and 13 in time for an August 8th Primary and the November 8th Presidential Election. Republican Peter Gostin and Democrat Juan Verdu have identified Angelico’s Cafe restaurant on East Main Street to replace the State Armory […]

3 mins read

Connecticut Cabaret Theatre Features Several New Britain Residents

By Robert Held Staff Writer The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre is located in Berlin, right next door to New Britain. Several of the shows preformed at the Cabaret Theatre feature actors or crew from New Britain. The Connecticut Cabaret Theatre is currently in its 19th season. Currently playing every Friday and Saturday night until June 25th, […]

7 mins read

Receiving without Guilt

By Leslie Jacobs Staff Writer   On TV, Sheldon from The Big Bang theory said to Penny during the Christmas episode “Receiving gifts are obligations. I know you think you are being generous, but the foundation of gift giving is reciprocity. You haven’t given me a gift. You’ve given me an obligation.” An obligation meaning […]

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