New Britain Progressive Opinion Page
On this page, you will find Op-Ed pieces, news analysis and other opinion in which the authors seek to inform on topics of interest to the New Britain community. If you would like to send commentary for consideration, please email it to newbritainprogressive@gmail.com.
Tributes to Dr. Alton Brooks: Dr. Aram Ayalon
Dear editor, As a former member of the school board and Common Council of New Britain I got to know quite a few of the members who were mentored by Alton Brooks. He was especially instrumental in engaging African Americans in the politics of New Britain and through that giving voice and influence to African […]
Community Mourns and Thanks Dr. Alton Brooks, Revered Community Leader
By Tim O’Brien, with contributing research by John McNamara and from an interview with Dr. Brooks by Rev. Brian Riley and photography by Dr. Frank Gerratana People across New Britain and beyond are in mourning because of the passing of Dr. Alton Brooks, the legendary leader, who did so much for so many, organizing, inspiring […]
Op-Ed – Response to Ayalon’s Commentary on Infrastructure Proposal
To Our Neighbor’s in Ward 4, The federal grants (PROTECT and FEMA) have been in the pipeline for years, they have not been funded. The Allen St. and Overlook-McKinley projects have been ignored and neglected for 30 years including 10 years on the current mayor’s watch. City and state bonding initiatives are required immediately to […]
Op-Ed – Infrastructure Investment – A Real Proposal or a Campaign Gimmick
By Aram Aylon, In a June 12, 2024, article on the New Britain Progressive my opponent for District 26 state representative is cited as proposing a $200 million investment in municipal infrastructure to address sewer and flooding issues funded by recent state budget surpluses. New Britain has suffered from flooding in certain areas in the […]
Mayor’s Mill Rate Increase Will Hike Taxes An Average Of $204 On Single Family Homes
Republicans Falsely Claim A $44 Increase After Double Digit Increases This Year; State Stabilization Funds Add $10 Million To City Revenue For Fiscal Year 2025 By John McNamara The dust is settling on the making of the 2024-2025 municipal budget for the Stewart Administration and the closely-divided Common Council of eight Democrats and seven Republicans. […]
The Furniture Of The Poor
By Bill Shortell I live in a beautiful apartment in a big building with 36 units. It’s in my price range and I have no plans to move, although it’s going downhill. The landlord has made superficial improvements and uses that as an excuse to jack the rents up to “market rate,” i.e. more than […]
Opinion: Reader Questions CCSU Decisions on Student Protests on Gaza
By Lily Mercado, CCSU IJC President Author’s Note: Article Originally Denied by The Recorder As a pretext, it should be known that this article was originally submitted to CCSU’s school newspaper, The Recorder, on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024, and denied publication. On Friday, April 26th, Managing Editor emailed me stating, “We’ve come to a mutual […]
Speedbumps and Speedhumps Work – Will New Britain make residents’ Safety a priority?
The Board of Public Works of the city of New Britain issued in June 2023 a policy banning the use of speed bumps and humps on city streets. While the policy statement claims to place “high priority on reducing accidents and injuries and increasing safety on its road network” it claims that, for many communities, […]
Reader Supports Congresswoman Jahana Hayes
By Marlene WoodmanSharon, Connecticut I support Rep. Jahana Hayes – CT5-D because I know firsthand the amount of work and commitment it takes to represent constituents and communities. I was Rep. Rosa Delauro’s (CTD-3) campaign manager and then district director when she was first elected. The job is demanding – it takes a personal commitment […]
Democrats Seek Transparency On Contracts And Tax Agreements
Common Council Budget Review Begins For the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year This report is the second in a series to keep the community informed about Council business and to encourage public participation in city government from the perspective of the Democratic Majority Caucus. The details of municipal purchasing, tax and and leasing agreements will be reported […]
New Britain Police Malpractice Settlements Suggests Needed Reform
City council agenda items indicate that the City of New Britain has been settling claims against its police force in a rate that suggests reform is needed. On October 11, 2023, the city of New Britain settled a claim by Mr. Ortiz against detective Linda Glimpse for $3,500 alleging she conducted false arrest in March […]
Ward 3 Resident Supports Candyce Scott for Democratic Town Committee
By Elizabeth Phillips, I’ve known Candyce Scott for nearly three years, and have had the opportunity to work with her on several community events. Ms. Scott is newly elected to the New Britain City Council, however she is no stranger to the many committees, boards, and other organizations involved with the improvement of New Britain. […]
Vote Row C Democratic Town Committee Candidate Encourages Votes for ‘Dems for Change’
By Daniel Price A group of Democrats in February 2024 decided to challenge the leadership of the New Britain Democratic Party in voting wards 1 and 3. This occurred as the current leadership was unwilling to negotiate a more representative membership to open the DTC to a wider base of members. We gathered over 400 […]
Reader Responds to Letter on Town Committee Primary; Supports Lopes/Sanchez Slates
By Sammy Villanueva It is not often that one reads something so inaccurate and disconnected from reality that it requires a clear and direct response. However, Jacob Pudlin’s misguided diatribe in the New Britain Progressive (“‘Did A Slate Of Candidates Forget What They Were Running For?’ Democratic Candidate Asks“, February 9, 2024) requires just such […]
Why Are Two Slates of Good Democrats Asking Me to Choose Between Them?
By Tim O’Brien On many levels, I am glad that former Mayor, Senator and state Commissioner Don DeFronzo, with support and editing by John McNamara, penned the important history of the 1989 mayoral election. Watershed, serialized in the New Britain Progressive and NB Politicus, tells the story of how a conservative but politically deft political […]
Critical Neighborhood Flooding Update: City Council Meeting 2-14-24
Get involved. Stay informed. Attend City Council Meetings and Board of Finance and Taxation Meetings…OUR VOICES MUST BE HEARD! This updated record is being shared regarding the status of our neighborhood’s storm-sewage systems and State-City responses. Our concerns need to be given the highest priority. Our quality of life is suffering and our property values […]
“Did a slate of candidates forget what they were running for?” Democratic Candidate Asks
By Jacob Pudlin, In the press release from the Row B slate for the Democratic Town Committee primary election, establishment New Britain Democrats said two bizarre things. First, they have the support of the “current DTC membership,” forgetting that incumbents are on both slates in both wards. But even more bizarre is the second, when […]
Critical Neighborhood Flooding Update: City Council Meeting 1-24-24
An open message to city officials. By Frank and Sharon Chase To: City OfficialsDate: January 23, 2024From: Frank and Sharon Chase Dear Elected and Appointed City Officials: These “vital details” will help you better understand our focused efforts to correct the ongoing flooding in our neighborhoods. The neglect and mismanagement (dereliction of duty) we have uncovered has […]
Martin Luther King and the Economic and Social Bill of Rights
By Tim O’Brien Editor’s note: The following commentary is a republication of an article originally published personally by the author in 2014. This weekend, our nation, state and communities celebrate and remember the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments. It is a time when I have always felt inspired by his work, […]
Op-Ed: Council Democrats Address Stormwater, Audit and Shelter For Unhoused Issues
Hearing From Citizens Will Be Essential During City Budget Process Two months into a new term the new Democratic majority on the Common Council is working on key issues raised in last year’s municipal election and in responding to public concerns on housing and shelter for the unhoused, stormwater infrastructure and the status of the […]