Stewart Seeks To Exclude BOE, Common Council From Approving Use Of School Construction Money
The Stewart Administration, blocked in recent months by a bipartisan Board of Education (BOE) and city ordinance from filling a political …
Happening in New Britain Mar 8th to 14th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, March 8, 2021 to Sunday, March 14th include…
New Britain Has Apparently Had Fourth Highest COVID-19 Rate
The cumulative number of New Britain residents who apparently had COVID-19 has been more than nearly all the cities and towns in the state.
Jr Canes Begin 2021 Season Registration
New Britain Hurricanes Youth Football & Cheerleading has announced that early registration for its 2021 season has begun.
DeLandro Announces $20,000 in Mayoral Exploratory Fundraising
Democrat Veronica T. DeLandro has announced that she has raised $20,000 toward a possible run for Mayor in one month.
Happening in New Britain Mar 1st to 7th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, March 1, 2021 to Sunday, March 7th include…
CCSU Establishes John Lewis Institute for Social Justice
CCSU in New Britain has announced the creation of the new John Lewis Institute for Social Justice to train leaders of the future.
Hole in the Wall Theater Hosting Variety Hour Online
New Britain’s Hole in the Wall Theater is hosting a Variety Hour in a filmed performance streaming online.
KIEDC and St. James Continue Food Box Program
KIEDC and Saint James Missionary Baptist Church have announced new Food Box distribution for New Britain families.
Happening in New Britain Feb 22nd to 28th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, February 22, 2021 to Sunday, February 28th include…
DeLandro Focusing on Small Businesses
Community leader Veronica T. DeLandro is focusing on small business as part of her exploration of running for Mayor of New Britain.
Rep. Sanchez Advocating for More State Education Funds
Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) says that he is pressing for more Educational Cost Sharing Grant funds for New Britain schools in the state budget.
City Announces Sites for Vaccination Registration
The New Britain Public Health officials have announced sites in New Britain for those 65 and older to register for COVID-19 vaccination.
Diaspora Hosting “A Night of Jazz”
The Diaspora Multicultural Society, Inc. is hosting, “A Night of Jazz,” event in celebration of Black History Month. “Join us for night of Light Jazz and conversation,” the Society says. The event is Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 7:00pm at the Society. The tickets for the event are $20 and, the Society says, “food is included in […]
League of Women Voters Legislative Forum Airing on TV and Online
The 2021 “Unbreakfast” legislative forum, held by the New Britain Area League of Women Voters, is being aired on television and online.
Happening in New Britain Feb 15th to 21st
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Mon, Feb 15th to Sun, Feb 21st includes . . .
Nate Simpson to Campaign for Council on Equity and Democracy
Council candidate Nate Simpson says he wants “to improve the overall quality of life, level of transparency and further democratize our city”
Gov. Lamont Proposes $29,501,537 Aid Increase for New Britain
Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT) proposed a two year state budget including $29,501,537 in increased municipal aid for New Britain.
Sen. Lopes Provides Residents Vaccination Information
State Senator Rick Lopes (D-6) is spreading the word about sign-ups for residents 65 and older to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Happening in New Britain Feb 8th to 14th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Mon, Feb 8th to Sun, Feb 14th include Valentines Day.