New Britain Public Library Launches a New “Banned Book Club”
The New Britain Public Library has announced the creation of a new “Banned Book Club”. In the new club, the Library says, “we will be reading books that have been challenged or faced banning in public libraries.”
Black Democratic Committee Endorses Democratic Party Slate
The Black Democratic Committee of New Britain, founded by legendary community activist, Mr. Alton Brooks, has announced that it has endorsed the entire Democratic Party slate of nominees for the city elections. The organization was recently re-invigorated by electing new officers, and says that its, mission is to seek political candidates of color to endorse […]
Enrollment Report Shows Differences in Ethnicity and Income Among City Schools
The New Britain Board of Education is to receive a report at its meeting tonight with data that shows a notable difference in the ethnicity between schools. While the New Britain school district consists overwhelming of students of color and disproportionately of lower income, which is reflected in the demographics of all of the city’s […]
New Britain’s Union Organizing History Is Worth Retelling On Labor Day 2023
1991 Saturday Night Club Paper Recounts City’s Labor Movement Past By John McNamara Labor Day is not a time to be nostalgic about the struggles of the last century to organize factory floors that turned New Britain into a “union town” with its many thousands of factory jobs, most of which have been long lost […]
Happening in New Britain Sep 4th to 10th
Meeting and community events, from Monday, September 4, 2023 to Sunday, September 10th, in New Britain include, [MEC id=”34328″] The New Britain Progressive, a publication of the New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. is free to read and community supported. http://newbritainprogressive.com Please feel free to help the New Britain Progressive with a donation and you are […]
Black Democratic Committee Chooses Leaders
The Black Democratic Committee of New Britain has announced new leadership for the organization, founded and led by legendary community activist, Mr. Alton Brooks. The organization, also known as the Black Political Action Committee of New Britain, says that it, actively seeks political candidates of color to endorse and assist with campaigning. In addition, the […]
NBPD Publishes Arrest Log Online After FOI Controversy
A July controversy over the City’s and New Britain Police’s denying access to arrest logs to the New Britain Herald without formal Freedom of Information requests has led to the New Britain Police Department (NBPD) posting a weekly arrest log online at https://pd.newbritainct.gov/safety-prevention/police-blotter. The link shows arrests made in the city for one week — […]
Activists at Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Call for End to Nuclear Weapons
By Danaiyla Mendoza and Amy Martin “Those of us living today have been given the opportunity to save the world,” said Dr. Ira Helfand, Co-President of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). “The problem is that we don’t believe another […]
March and Service Fair Held by Black Ministerial Alliance
The Black Ministerial Alliance of New Britain, with ALM’s Ministries International, held a 100 Man March, followed by a Health a Community Service Event on Main Street this weekend. The event included a cookout, while different agencies and organizations provided services and information to people in need in the community. Pastor Gervais Barger of Peace Missionary Ministries, […]
Monsignor Plocharczyk Is Honored At 40th Dozynki Festival
Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – Monsignor Daniel Plocharczyk, the longtime pastor of Sacred Heart Church on Broad Street, received a special recognition award August 19th at the 40th holding of the Dozynki Festival, the city’s celebration of Polish culture and traditions that began in 1980. The Festival Committee also recognized the Polonia Paderewski Choir and […]
Aug 21st to 27th Community Events in New Britain
New Britain community events and meetings, from Monday, August 21, 2023 to Sunday, August 27th, include, [MEC id=”34188″] The New Britain Progressive, a publication of the New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. is free to read and community supported. http://newbritainprogressive.com Please feel free to help the New Britain Progressive with a donation and you are invited […]
Lowell Weicker’s Victories Dashed The Hopes of Liberal Democrats Throughout His Career
Reflecting on the Politics of Connecticut’s Three-Term Senator and One-Term Governor By John McNamara The first time I and many viewers (outside CT) saw and heard Lowell P. Weicker was watching the U.S. Senate Watergate Committee hearings in 1973. I was paying attention every day from my perch in the newsroom of the Lynn Sunday Post where […]
Op-Ed: A Need to Advance Good Government in City Hall
By Ald. Aram Ayalon A series of recent decisions by the mayor and the Republican-led majority of the New Britain City Council, point to the lack of good government practices. For example, mayor Stewart decided to put aside a well-qualified and community-supported deputy chief of Police Murphy and appoint a less experienced and less qualified […]
New Britain Public Library to Host Panel Discussion on Peer Support Specialists
The New Britain Public Library is hosting, “Peer Support Changes Lives: Making Community Healing Possible, a Panel Discussion and Community Conversation on Peer Support Specialists.
New Britain Community Events From Aug 14th to 20th
Community events and meetings in New Britain, from Monday, August 14, 2023 to Sunday, August 20th, include, [MEC id=”34046″] The New Britain Progressive, a publication of the New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. is free to read and community supported. http://newbritainprogressive.com Please feel free to help the New Britain Progressive with a donation and you are […]
Lamont Announces $4 Million Grant for New Britain Main Street Development
Gov. Ned Lamont (D) announced that the Main Street development next to the Police Headquarters is receiving a $4 million grant to build a six-story apartment building on the site. The Governor said that the funding is part of a $23 million round of grants for different projects under the state Connecticut Communities Challenge Grant […]
“Bleibol!” Exhibit Features New Britain’s Springer Family At Museum for Culture and History
¡Pleibol! In the Barrios and the Big Leagues Opens Aug. 12 and Runs Though November 5 By John McNamara The Connecticut Museum for History and Culture’s exhibition “¡Pleibol! In the Barrios and the Big Leagues / En los barrios y las grandes ligas“ that opens on Saturday, August 12 celebrates baseball through the experiences of […]
Osgood Shootout Benefit Basketball Tournament to Be Held Saturday and Sunday
The historic Osgood Schootout benefit basketball tournament to be held this Saturday, August 12, 2023 and Sunday, August 13th.
Amid High-Profile Dispute, City to Consider Self-Storage Zoning Moratorium
The city of New Britain is set to consider a moratorium on self-storage facilities amid a high-profile controversy between a former Republican City Council member and Republican Mayor Erin Stewart about a development plan on East Street that includes a self-storage proposal. Chamberlain Square LLC owner, James Sanders, Jr., has been in a very public […]
Amid High-Profile Dispute, City to Consider Self-Storage Zoning Moratorium
The city of New Britain is set to consider a moratorium on self-storage facilities amid a high-profile controversy between a former Republican City Council member and Republican Mayor Erin Stewart about a development plan on East Street that includes a self-storage proposal. Chamberlain Square LLC owner, James Sanders, Jr., has been in a very public […]