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27 March, 2025
2 mins read

League of Women Voters Informs About Early Voting Opportunity, Advocates “Yes” Votes for No Excuse Absentee Voting

The League of Women Voters of the New Britain Area wants to make sure people in New Britain know about their opportunity to vote in the 2024 election in early voting days – and is advocating a “yes” vote on a ballot question to allow voting by mail for everyone. The general election occurs on […]

6 mins read

Slates Contest Over “Future of the Democratic Party” in New Britain Primary Election

Competing slates for the New Britain Democratic Party’s governing Town Committee are offering different visions on the future of the Party to Democratic voters ahead of the March 5th primary election. The election is to be held in two of the city’s five wards for who is to represent Democratic voters on the Democratic Town […]

4 mins read

Early Voting Bills Hearing Is Wednesday 2/22

CT Set To Join 46 Other States Allowing Balloting Ahead of Election Day Staff Reports HARTFORD – One of the big items for the General Assembly’s Government Administration and Elections (GAE) Committee in 2023 is implementing the state constitutional amendment that finally will allow early voting in the state. On Wednesday, February 22nd the GAE […]

2 mins read

New Britain Has Close To 34K Voters Eligible For State Election on Tuesday

Redistricting Means New Polling Places For Some Voters in 2022; Polls Open 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – November 1 was the last day to register to vote across Connecticut to be officially on the rolls before the November 8th state election. In New Britain, Registrars of Voters counted 33,731 voters as of […]

2 mins read

National Voter Registration Day: LWV Signs Up New Voters At Library, Stop & Shop This Week

 Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – The New Britain chapter of the League of Women Voters (NBLWV) continued its voter registration drive on National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, September 20th at the New Britain Public Library on High Street where volunteers signed up patrons for the November 8th election and shared information on referenda questions to […]

2 mins read

National Voter Registration Day: LWV Signs Up New Voters At Library, Stop & Shop This Week

 Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – The New Britain chapter of the League of Women Voters (NBLWV) continued its voter registration drive on National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, September 20th at the New Britain Public Library on High Street where volunteers signed up patrons for the November 8th election and shared information on referenda questions to […]

5 mins read

Why Trump’s Party Rallies In New Britain

Mayor Stewart’s former campaign HQ is one of 20 “RNC Community Centers” in the nation where “Stop The Steal” workshops are occurring By John McNamara Ronna McDaniel, the national Republican Party’s Chairperson and Donald Trump sycophant, made her way to New Britain this week to blast not one Democrat but all Democrats as favoring “greed, communism, and […]

3 mins read

NB Mayoral Aide’s Campaign For Secretary of The State Under Scrutiny By Election Commission

Republican Brock Weber Withdraws From SOTS Contest Amid Inquiry On Contributions By John McNamara The campaign of Republican Brock Weber, one of three Republicans seeking the nomination for Secretary of the State in the August 9th Primary, is being investigated by the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) for alleged violations of campaign finance law. Weber, […]

3 mins read

NB Dems Endorse Incumbents For State Representative; GOP Picks Challengers

Campaign 2022: Election Day Is November 8th Democratic Party endorsements for newly-drawn State Assembly Districts in New Britain were made at a Town Committee meeting at City Hall May 19th completing a slate of endorsed candidates for the November election. State Representatives Manny Sanchez (D-24), Bobby Sanchez (D-25) and Peter Tercyak (D-26) received unanimous support […]

4 mins read

Probate Judge Contest Is A Rematch Of 2021 Special Election: Republican Carrier vs. Democrat Rivera

By John McNamara Attorney and former Common Council Leader William Rivera won the Democratic Party’s endorsement for Judge of Probate last week setting up a rematch of last year’s special election won by Attorney Michael Carrier. Convention delegates from Berlin and New Britain nominated Rivera without opposition. In accepting the endorsement Rivera acknowledged Carrier, who […]

3 mins read

Party Endorsements To Be Made For Congress, Legislators and Probate Judge

Lamont, Bysiewicz and Constitutional Officers Endorsed at Saturday’s Democratic Convention Delegates to party conventions will endorse candidates for U.S. Congress, the State Legislature and Judge of Probate May 9-12 following statewide endorsements at major party conventions this past weekend. U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes (D-5) is expected to be endorsed by acclamation on Monday, May 9th, […]