Tercyak To Host Polish Constitution Ceremony At State Capitol
Ceremonies Mark A National Holiday In Poland Staff Reports HARTFORD- Polish Constitution Day (Święto Konstytucji) will be commemorated on Wednesday, May 3rd as part of the 32nd annual “Polish Day at the State Capitol.” State Representative Peter Tercyak (D-26) will host the event and will be joined by Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz and other Polish […]
New Britain Happenings from May 1st to 7th
NEW BRITAIN, CT From Monday, May 1, 2023 to Sunday, May 7th, New Britain community events and meetings include… [MEC id=”31999″] New Britain Progressive, a publication of New Britain Independent Newspaper, Inc. is free to read and community supported. Please feel free to help the New Britain Progressive with a donation, and you are […]
CCSU Planetarium Hosting Free Planetarium Show on the James Webb Space Telescope
“The first week of May is International Astronomy Week,” the CCSU Copernican Planetarium and Observatory says. “What better way to celebrate than to look at recent discoveries made by JWST?”
NBYT Hosting Drag Queen Bingo Fundraising Event
The No Boundaries Youth Theater is hosting a Drag Queen Bingo fundraising event.
Jr. Canes Holding 8th Annual Safe Start Tacking Clinic
New Britain Hurricanes Youth Football & Cheerleading is hosting its 8th Annual Safe Start Tackling Clinic.
“Next to Normal” On Stage At CCSU
The CCSU Theatre Department is presenting “Next to Normal”. The Theatre Department says that “Next to Normal”, includes, “music by Tom Kitt, book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey, and direction by Janelle Robinson,”
“Oreo Blind Taste Test Challenge” to be at New Britain Public Library
The New Britain Public Library is holding a “Oreo Blind Taste Test Challenge”. The Library says,
Council To Vote On New Police Chief
Petitions Filed For Major Changes To City Zoning Map At April 26th Meeting By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The Common Council is scheduled to select a new Chief of Police at the Wednesday, May 26th regular meeting. Three members of the Police Department’s(NBPD) command staff have been selected as finalists. The vote may come […]
NBHS Music Department Presenting “Back On the Broadway Stage”
The New Britain High School Music Department says it is presenting, “Back On the Broadway Stage”.
Community Events In New Britain April 24th – 30th
Community events and meetings during the week of Monday, April 24, 2023 to Sunday, April 30th include… [MEC id=”31908″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, feel free to visit this web page. […]
Happening in New Britain Apr 24th to 30th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, April 24, 2023 to Sunday, April 30th include… [MEC id=”31908″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, feel free […]
Covid En Ste Lisi Comedy Show To Be At Trinity-On-Main
Che Campeche Inc’s “Covid En Ste Lisi” comedy play is to be performed at the Trinity-On-Main arts venue on April 23, 2023.
“Stranger Still” Opening at the Hole in the Wall Theater
George Sebastian-Coleman’s play “Stranger Still” is to open at New Britain’s Hole in the Wall Theater this Friday, April 21st. The Theater says that “Stranger Still”, is based upon Albert Camus’ L’Etranger, but imagining the character as having his sentence commuted to life on “Devil’s Island” the prison island off French Guiana. The setting is […]
North-Oak NRZ Planning Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-Up
The North-Oak NRZ is holding an Earth Day neighborhood clean-up event on Saturday, April 22, 2023.
NBHS African American Club Spring Talent Showcase POSTPONED
The NBHS African American Club is Hosting Spring Talent Showcase on April 22nd at 7:00pm at NBHS.
Happening in New Britain Apr 17th to 23rd
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, April 17, 2023 to Sunday, April 23rd include… [MEC id=”31737″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, feel free […]
Dionysos Greek Festival 2023 Announced
The Saint George Greek Orthodox Church has announced its Dionysos Greek Festival 2023 for May 29th to 21st.
MLK Remembered At Memorial Wreath Laying To Mark Anniversary Of Assassination
Next Step For MLK Corridor Initiative Announced By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – The Mary McLeod Bethune Club, the Black Ministerial Alliance and the City of New Britain joined together on Saturday, April 8th, for the annual memorial wreath laying marking the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. Evelyn […]
Happening in New Britain Apr 10th to 16th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, April 10, 2023 to Sunday, April 16th include… [MEC id=”31626″] Editor’s note: If you would like to submit an event for inclusion in the New Britain Progressive weekly events articles, or would like to update something already listed, here, feel free […]
CCSU to Host Undergraduate Open House
“Join us for our Spring 2023 Undergraduate Open House and learn about everything that Central Connecticut State University has to offer,” CCSU says. “Interact with faculty, learn about admissions, financial aid, academics, student life, and all the ways we’re committed to making your college experience successful.”