28 March, 2025
5 mins read

Post Election: Countering Fear and Exclusion Begins Here

By John McNamara NEW BRITAIN – Campaign promises threatening “mass deportation”, use of the military and law enforcement to go after political opponents (“the enemy within”) and rollbacks of policies for the common good dominated Trump on the stump in the closing weeks of 2024’s campaign. And so the Trump victory on November 5th is […]

6 mins read

Claims For Flooding Damages Spiked in 2023

City Starts ‘Courtesy’ Response Service; Homeowner Flood Relief Is On Council Agenda By John McNamara More New Britain property owners are seeking compensation from the city for property damage caused by storm water flooding and sewage overflows, according to caseloads recorded by the city’s Corporation Counsel in recent years. The Corporation Counsel “handles claims and […]

1 min read

Alderwoman Sanchez Condemns “Hate Rhetoric” At NYC Trump Rally

Council Democrats Deride GOP Campaign Of ‘Fear and Division’ NEW BRITAIN – City Alderwoman and Assistant Majority Leader Iris Noemi Sanchez (D-3) expressed deep indignation over offensive comments made at Donald Trump’s rally in Madison Square Garden on Sunday nine days before the November 5th Election. A speaker insulted Puerto Rico, calling it a “floating […]

3 mins read

Council Committees Vote Down Proposal on City Naming School Buildings and Oppose Taking Up Self Storage Rules

A proposal by Ald Sharon Beloin-Saavedra (R-1) to give the City Council control over the naming of schools, along with city buildings, was voted down Tuesday evening in the Council Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing. In speaking against the proposal, Ald Wilma Barbosa (D-3) asked, about Beloin-Saavedra, “wasn’t her name in the running for […]

2 mins read

New Britain Voter Registration Appears Down Compared to Close 5th CD Election in 2022; Democrats Lower And Republicans Higher

Recent New Britain voter registration figures may show troubling signs for Democrats and opportunity for Republicans in the closely contested Fifth Congressional District race between incumbent Democratic Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (D-5) and Republican challenger George Logan. It appears that there could be nearly 2,000 fewer registered voters in New Britain than in 2022. Voter registration […]

2 mins read

League of Women Voters Informs About Early Voting Opportunity, Advocates “Yes” Votes for No Excuse Absentee Voting

The League of Women Voters of the New Britain Area wants to make sure people in New Britain know about their opportunity to vote in the 2024 election in early voting days – and is advocating a “yes” vote on a ballot question to allow voting by mail for everyone. The general election occurs on […]

2 mins read

Speakers at Forum Overwhelmingly Oppose Metal Detectors in Schools in New Britain

While the New Britain school district said most respondents to its recently completed survey supported metal detectors in schools, many speakers at the forum the school system called on the topic strongly opposed having metal detectors. The Consolidated School System of New Britain said that 87% of survey respondents supported metal detectors in the city’s […]

2 mins read

New Britain Racial Justice Coalition Asks “Do Metal Detectors Make Schools Safer?”

As the New Britain school system is considering using metal/weapon detectors in elementary, middle and high schools, the New Britain Racial Justice Coalition is asking, “do metal detectors make schools safer?” “Metal detectors are often seen as a solution to school violence, but research has questioned their effectiveness in truly keeping students safe,” the Coalition […]

1 min read

Board of Education Considering Metal Detectors in Schools

The New Britain Board of Education says it, “is considering whether metal/weapons detection technology should be in place in our school buildings,” elementary, middle and high school. The Consolidated School District of New Britain is planning a Community Forum on the question. The school system is also conducting a survey asking parents, “Do you think […]

2 mins read

Lt Gov Bysiewicz Joins Local Democrats in Rally Ahead of November Elections

Editor’s Note: Journalism by Dr Frank Gerratana contributed to this article. Lt Gov Susan Bysiewicz (D) joined New Britain Democrats Tuesday at Five Churches Brewing in an election rally, as the autumn election season gets underway. Democratic Party Chair Chris Anderson welcomed the assembled activists and dignitaries to build excitement for the most active part […]

4 mins read

“Justice for Katherine” Demonstrators Again Call for New Britain Police Officer to be Fired

Editor’s Note: Olivine contributed to the reporting of this article. A year after the New Britain police officer Connor Reinsch struck and killed Katherine Colon with his police car as she was crossing West Main Street, family members were joined by other protesters calling for the firing of Reinsch and criticizing Mayor Erin Stewart (R) […]

1 min read

Council Resolution Calls on Tim Stewart to be Removed from City Commission

Former Mayor Timothy Stewart (R) is facing a Council resolution calling for his removal from the city School Building Committee in the wake of yet another in a history of bigoted comments he has posted online. Stewart recently posed a racist comment online about Asian Americans, as he took part in a conversation apparently concerning […]

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