After Providing $11 Million Emergency Rental Assistance In New Britain, Program Applications Suspended
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After Providing $11 Million Emergency Rental Assistance In New Britain, Program Applications Suspended

The state Department of Housing has announced that the UniteCT pandemic emergency rental and utility relief program has suspended new applications after providing hundreds of millions of dollars in relief.

The programโ€™s website says that it has distributed $11,295,305 in New Britain, assisting in 2,666 cases in the city in a program designed to provide, โ€œup to $15,000 rental and electricity payment assistance on behalf of Connecticut households financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.โ€

But, the Department says,

As of February 15th, 2022 the UniteCT program has suspended new rent and electric application submissions and recertification intake. Tenants and landlords who have a Rent Relief Case # will have until March 31st, 2022 to complete their applications. Any cases not fully completed by March 31st, 2022 will be withdrawn from the case review process.

Despite the suspension of new applications, Neighborhood Housing Services of New Britain (NHSNB) says it, โ€œis still operating their walk-in UniteCT Center at 223 Broad Street.โ€

Chris Sanders, CEO of NHSNB, says that, โ€œUniteCT has been very successful.โ€

The Department of Housing says, as of a report on February 28, 2022, it has distributed $226,340,335 in aid in Connecticut as a whole.

The Department says that, โ€œUniteCT Program is administered by the Department of Housing on behalf of the US Treasury.โ€

The United States Treasury Department says that the national Emergency Rental Assistance program consists of $46.6 billion in two separate allocations by Congress, most recently the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Neighborhood Housing Services of New Britain says it, โ€œhas proudly partnered with the UniteCT program since March 2021. The center has helped over 3,000 people at their walk-in center at 223 Broad Street in New Britain.โ€

Sanders says that UniteCT, โ€œcontinue to process a large number of cases but have paused accepting new applications because the cases in the pipeline will likely use the remainder of the funds available. Anyone with an application pending should work to resolve any issues before March 31st.โ€

NHSNB says that its UniteCT Resource Center, โ€œis continuing to support those who have questions or concerns about their pending applications or the program in general. Trained staff are available to help, with computers and internet available.โ€

Maria Rosiello, Manager of Home Services for NHSNB, said that, โ€œNHSNB also offers free housing stability financial coaching to help households put a plan and budget in place to improve their ability to handle the post-Covid situation.โ€

โ€œThose interested in this coaching service,โ€ NHSNB says, โ€œshould call NHSNB at (860) 224-2433 x101.โ€

NHSNBโ€™s UniteCT Resource Center can be reached at (860) 224-2433 x121.