Racial Justice Coalition Seeks Donations for Halloween “Candy Gram” Program
1 min read

Racial Justice Coalition Seeks Donations for Halloween “Candy Gram” Program

The New Britain Racial Justice Coalition is seeking donations to help with its effort to deliver treats to children for this year’s Halloween.

The program has been to, “spread some joy to the New Britain Community on Halloween. We know that trick or treating isn’t an option this year so we are going to bring the candy to you!”

“So our candy gram idea is going super well,” the Coalition says adding that, “The people of New Britain have asked for 558 goodie bags!”

“Please help and donate,” directing donors to the organization’s PayPal page, adding, “On the “write a note” section please write ‘Candy Gram'”.

The Coalition is also seeking volunteers to help with distributing the “candy grams.” That activity is to begin at 4:00pm on October 21, 2020. The organization has a web page to sign up for that volunteer effort.

New Britain Racial Justice Coalition says that it is

a multi-racial, multi-generational grass roots movement seeking to eradicate racism and create equality in the City of New Britain and in its surrounding towns. We want to serve and educate our community. We are organizing to demand equality from our leaders and make life better for EVERYONE in our towns. We welcome anyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality or socio-economic background. We want to fight for you and with you to create a better New Britain, and hopefully a better Connecticut and further.