Art Perry’s Fighting Spirit and Boundless Optimism Will Not Be Forgotten
By John McNamara Contributing Columnist Originally posted in NB Politicus Augusy 13, 2016 New Britain’s and SEIU’s Art Perry died this week after an extended and brave battle with cancer at the age of 63. I knew and will not forget Art as a union organizer of fighting spirit and boundless optimism through too many […]
The Selling Of Patton Brook Well: Will New Britain Get A Fair Price To Help Southington Address Its Water Crisis?
—– Mayor Stewart’s Lowered $1 Million Price Drastically Undervalues Patton Brook Well —– By John McNamara Contributing Columnist A Monday, July 11th public hearing at New Britain City Hall will take up a proposed sale of the city’s Patton Brook Well in Southington as that town’s water commission faces growing challenges to address its need […]
Registrars Moves To Re-Locate Two Polling Places For Primary, November Election
By John McNamara Contributing Columnist New Britain’s Registrars of Voters are moving to change polling places in Districts 6 and 13 in time for an August 8th Primary and the November 8th Presidential Election. Republican Peter Gostin and Democrat Juan Verdu have identified Angelico’s Cafe restaurant on East Main Street to replace the State Armory […]
Ukrainian Americans Protest Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort
By John McNamara Contributing Columnist The Hartford area’s Ukrainian-American community, including members of three church congregations in New Britain, is speaking out against a city native with a well-known name among Republicans — Paul Manafort, the son of a former mayor, longtime Washington lobbyist and now campaign manager for the GOP’s unlikely frontrunner, Donald J. […]