Lamont Proposes School Grant Increase for New Britain
In Gov. Ned Lamont’s first budget to the state legislature, he proposed that New Britain receive $7.6 million more in education aid over the next two years.
Fundraiser Planned for NBHS Boys Basketball
The Annual Boys Basketball Fundraiser, to raise funds for the New Britain High School boys basketball program, is coming up in March.
“Green New Deal” to Have Council Hearing
With a “Green New Deal” Congressional resolution receiving national attention, the Council is set to hold a public hearing on similar local resolution.
Meetings and Events Feb 18th to 24th
City meetings and community events during the week of Monday, February 18th, 2019 to Sunday, February 24th include the observation of Presidents’ Day.
NBHS Honor Roll Announced
New Britain High School has announced the students on its Honor Roll for the second quarter of the 2018-2019 school year.
NAACP and Black Democrats Hold Criminal Justice Forum
Proactive engagement between the community and law enforcement was a common theme at Black History Month Town Hall meeting on criminal justice.
Family Forum Planned on Schools Budget
The Consolidated School District of New Britain is focusing its February, “Family/Community Forum,” on the school system budget for the upcoming budget year.
Council Votes to Ban Single Use Plastic Bags
The New Britain City Council has voted to approve a ban on plastic single use retail carry-out bags and requiring charges for paper carry out bags.
Criminal Justice Town Hall Meeting Planned
The New Britain Branch of the NAACP and the Black Democratic Club of New Britain will be hosting a Town Hall meeting on criminal justice.
Petition Concerns Streetscape Trees
Ald. Aram Ayalon has introduced a petition to require a report on the potential for trees being affected by the upcoming downtown streetscape project.
Council Petition Calls for North Street Traffic Study
Ald. Iris Sanchez (D-3) has introduced a City Council petition to require that a traffic study be done on North Street, directed at safety concerns.
Meetings and Events Feb 11th to 17th
City meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, February 11th, 2019 to Sunday, February 17th.
2019 Holy Cross Bazaar and Carnival Planned for July
The Holy Cross Church Sixty-Fifth Annual Bazaar and Carnival is planned for July, 2019. The Holy Cross Bazaar and Carnival is a traditional event in the city, with carnival rides, games and delicious food. “It’s time for the Holy Cross Annual Bazaar!” say event organizers. The 2019 Bazaar and Carnival is planned for on July 12th and 13th. […]
Arch Area NRZ Plans February Meeting
The Arch Area Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) has announced that it will hold its February monthly meeting on Monday February 11, 2019.
Stewart Reportedly Resigns from Chamber Presidency
Former Republican Mayor Timothy Stewart has reportedly resigned from the influential position of Chamber of Commerce President.
Council Democrats Press Chamber to Fire Stewart
City Council Democrats have proposed a resolution to press the Greater New Britain Chamber of Commerce to fire Timothy Stewart as its President.
Council Leaders Question Bizzarro on Stewart
City Council President, Ald. Eva Magnuszewski, and Majority Leader, Ald. Carlo Carlozzi, Jr. are asking Gennaro Bizzarro tough questions about Tim Stewart.
Town Hall on Economy and Housing Planned
The New Britain NAACP and the Black Democratic Club of New Britain have will be hosting a Town Hall meeting to discuss economic development and housing.
Bizzarro Actions Haunt Senate Candidacy
Past and recent actions are coming back to haunt Republican Gennaro Bizzarro’s candidacy for State Senate, with the election only weeks away.
Stewart Under Fire Again for Bigoted Comment
A derogatory comment Former Mayor Tim Stewart made about female members of Congress is escalating calls for his removal as Chamber of Commerce President.