Wreaths Across America to Honor Veterans
Wreaths Across America will place 1,400 holiday wreaths on the gravesites of veterans at New Britain’s Fairview Cemetery.
‘Polar Express’ Event at First Lutheran Church
The First Lutheran Church of the Reformation and Friends are presenting their seventh annual “The Polar Express Story and Fun Live” event this weekend.
‘Meet Me In St Louis’ at CT Theatre Company
Calling it a, “charming musical,” New Britain’s Connecticut Theatre Company is opening its production of the play, Meet Me In St Louis, this weekend.
Merrill Gay Elected School Board President
School board member Merrill Gay has announced that he has been elected as the President of the New Britain Board of Education.
New Britain Christmas Tree Lighting Planned
The lighting of the city Christmas tree in downtown New Britain is being planned, with an event featuring music, dancing and photos with Santa.
Diaspora First Friday to Celebrate Holidays
The Diaspora Multicultural Society has announced its monthly First Friday Empowerment Series event for December will be, “2019 Holidays Around the World.”
Happening in New Britain Dec 2nd to 8th
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Mon, Dec 2nd to Sun, Dec 8th include the NBHS Madrigal Feaste.
Climate Change Lecture to be at Library
A lecture on climate change will be held at the New Britain Public Library, led by a representative of a Connecticut environmental organization.
NBYM Holiday Membership Sale
The New Britain Youth Museum (NBYM) is holding a holiday shopping season sale for memberships in the Museum for the limited time.
Jr Canes Holding Social to Send Teams to Nationals
New Britain Youth Football & Cheer is holding a “Dance and Football Social” to raise funds for its Championship teams to travel compete for national titles.
Happy Thanksgiving from the New Britain Progressive
From our families to yours, the New Britain Progressive wishes you a happy, peaceful and safe celebration of Thanksgiving Day
Tercyak Recieves 100% from Environment League
State Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26) has announced that the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) has scored his voting record as 100% in 2019.
NBYT to Perform “Frozen Jr”
With wintry weather and the holiday season coming, the young actors of the No Boundaries Youth Theater (NBYT) will be performing the play Frozen Jr.
Happening in New Britain Nov 25th to Dec 1st
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Mon, Nov 25th to Sun, Dec 1st include the celebration of Thanksgiving Day.
Unity in the Community Thanksgiving Day Meal
A Unity in the Community Meal is being planned for Thanksgiving Day.
Christmas Concert Planned at Holy Cross Church
New Britain’s Holy Cross Church has announced that there will be an Anniversary Christmas Concert in celebration of the season. “Twenty years of singing to God,” say event organizers about the concert by soloists and the Young Hearts Choir. The concert is to be on Sunday, December 15, 2019. It is to be held at 12:00pm after […]
Holiday Pop-Up Sale to be at Library
Saying “Do you holiday shopping at the Library!” Friends of the New Britain Public Library are sponsoring a “Holiday Pop-Up Sale” to benefit the Library.
Friends of Football Holding Food Drive
New Britain High School Friends of Football are planning a food drive at the upcoming NBHS football game to help people in need in the city.
Foodshare Holding “Turkey and 30” Drive
With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, Foodshare is planning a “Turkey to 30” drive, asking for contributions to help people in need.
HITW Performing “It’s a Wonderful Life”
As the holiday season draws nearer, Hole in the Wall Theater will be performing the popular classic story, “It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Drama.”