Mobile COVID-19 Testing to Be At Smalley School
State Representative Bobby Sanchez (D-25) is announcing a mobile COVID-19 testing site he has been working to make available in New Britain.
City Considers Adding $30 Million Debt to Cover Deficits
Once again, under Republican Mayor Erin Stewart, the city is considering borrowing to cover the cost of city spending, now with a $70 million proposal.
Juneteenth Unity Event to Stand Against Racism
Juneteenth is taking on even greater meaning, as activism rises against racism and a growing list of unarmed Black Americans killed by police.
Police Chief to Discuss ‘Use of Force’ Policy
New Britain Police Chief Christopher Chute will present an online presentation on the New Britain Police “use of force” policy.
2021 New Britain 4th of July Fireworks, “Great American Boom,” Announced
New Britain’s widely attended July 4th “Great American Boom” fireworks display, celebrating Independence Day, will be held again in 2021.
Happening in New Britain Jun 15th to 21st
New Britain city meetings and community events coming up during the week of Monday, June 15, 2020 to Sunday, Jun 21st include the Interfaith Call to Prayer.
Council Exploring Creating Police Citizen Review Board
The New Britain City Council’s Ad Hoc Committee will hold a meeting to consider the concept of establishing a Police Citizen Review Board.
Online Interfaith Call to Prayer Announced
Faith leaders in New Britain have announced an Interfaith Call to Prayer, to be held online by Zoom, Facebook Live and conference call.
Primary Apparent for Democrats in 24th
Democrat Richard Lacourciere has announced that he has qualified to primary endorsed Democrat, Ald. Manny Sanchez for the 24th District nomination.
Fagan League Looks Toward Opening Season
The New Britain Fagan Baseball League is looking toward opening its 2020 summer little league baseball season in late June.
Little Poland Festival Cancelled for 2020
Community leader Adrian Baron has announced, “It is with heavy heart, that we must officially announce the cancellation of the 2020 Little Poland Festival.
New Britain Little League Getting Ready to Play Ball
New Britain Little League is taking a survey as it seeks to, “spread the word,” that it, “will be running a season from late June-August.”
Council Resolution to Declare Pride in the City Month
With a City Council resolution and a flag raising, the New Britain community is celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month in New Britain.
Protesters March for Peace, Love and Justice
Approximately a thousand people marched and protested in New Britain this afternoon, as activists continue to rally against racism and for change.
Council Approves Stewart Budget 9 – 5
The majority Republican City Council approved Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s controversial city budget for the upcoming budget year.
Anti-Racism Group’s Petition Makes Demands of City
Thousands of people have apparently signed an online petition calling on the city to agree to demands for, “racial justice policies in New Britain.”
An Evening of Continuing Activism
Activism continued in the community on change to end racist inequality and violence two days after Sunday’s historic protest in New Britain.
Human Rights Chair: “Change Begins and Ends With You”
As chair of the Human Rights and Opportunities Commission, I am tasked to remain impartial in the hopes that clearer minds will prevail.
People’s March Movement to Hold Meeting Tonight
A meeting is planned to continue discussions for change after Sunday’s historic protest in New Britain to end racist inequality and violence.
U.S. Rep. Hayes to Speak at NAACP #WeAreDoneDying Town Hall
U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-5) will address the NAACP Virtual Town Hall Conversation being held to start discussions on a New Britain Black Community Agenda.