Local Attorney Reports Aggressive Immigration Capture in New Britain for Tourist Overstay
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Local Attorney Reports Aggressive Immigration Capture in New Britain for Tourist Overstay

Prominent local attorney and community leader, Adrian Baron, reported on social media today that federal agents in New Britain stopped his car and removed a client who had been working to adjust his tourist visa status.

“I was giving my client a ride home after court,” said Baron, noting that, “He was not convicted of anything and has no criminal convictions.”

Then Baron said,

As I began to reverse out of my parking spot; my car was suddenly blocked by 4 black vehicles. I was instructed to shut off my engine. My car was boxed in on three sides. Several ATF and ICE agents wearing black masks approached my car and removed my client.

Saying that, “If you think it’s not happening in Connecticut,” Baron said, “It’s not just ‘hardened criminals’ they are going after. My client is a Polish gentleman. His violation was overstaying a legal tourist visa.”

“My witnessing the incident is the only reason his family knows why he didn’t come home,” said Baron. “They still don’t know where he was taken.”

Attorney Baron said, that,

If you overstay a tourist visa, there are ways you can fix your status. You may be eligible if you are an immediate relative of a U.S. citizen, such as a spouse, parent, or unmarried child under 21.

You must have entered the U.S. legally, even if your visa expired and you should not have any criminal offenses or other immigration violations.

This guy was in the process of adjusting his status.

Baron noted that, “I’m not against deportations when warranted. I have no objection to gang members and criminals being deported.”

But, Baron said, “But, even if you agree with these deportations, there was no reason for such a gross public display in front of a court house for a guy who overstayed a legal visa. Multiple vehicles surrounding my car in front of a court house. Armed ATF and ICE agents in black ski masks for what is basically a civil infraction? ATF agents?! For a civil infraction? The guys that go after gun runners and people smuggling explosives? This guy overstayed a legal visa.”

“Purely for optics and show in my opinion,” Baron said. “Waste of resources.”

“I will also state emphatically,” Attorney Baron said in a subsequent social media post, “that the agents involved were respectful and professional towards me and my client. I know they have a job to do. I think that this is as much a disservice to them.”

Editor’s note (2/27/2025): The article was updated with additional comments from Attorney Baron.