Rep Bobby Sanchez Announces Candidacy for Mayor
Surrounded by dignitaries and cheering supporters, New Britain Democratic State Rep Bobby Sanchez (D-25) announced that he is running to be Mayor of New Britain.
Speaking to a crowd of 200 cheering Sanchez supporters, Lt Gov Susan Bysiewicz (D) introduced Sanchez, saying that she and Gov Ned Lamont (D) were endorsing his candidacy. She praised Sanchez’ work to increase funding for education and higher education.
State Comptroller Sean Scanlon (D) said that Sanchez will bring a, “new day in New Britain,” with a better future for the city’s residents
“There is no better person to lead the city of New Britain than Bobby Sanchez,” Bysiewicz said, calling him a person of empathy and great compassion.

Sanchez said his campaign, “is about building a better future for every family, every neighborhood, every resident of New Britain. It is about creating new vision, new leadership for New Britain.”
“Together,” Sanchez said, “we can make New Britain a place where every child has a bright future, every family as a safe and affordable home and every neighborhood thrives.”
Noting that he was born, raised and educated in New Britain, and built his career and raised his family in the city, Sanchez said that he spent forty years as an early childhood educator, social worker, fatherhood initiative coordinator and shelter director, and fourteen years as State Representative, “fighting for the issues that matter most to New Britain Families.”
He said he understand the struggles people in the city have reaching their goals, “because I lived them. I know what it means to work hard to pay the bills – to stretch every dollar – and to worry about the future.”
“That is why I am running to bring real change to New Britain,” Sanchez said, “so that every family, every neighborhood, has a chance to succeed.”
In announcing his candidacy, Sanchez laid out plans for his administration, for families to be able to feel safe in all neighborhoods and have a lower financial burden, creating good paying jobs for New Britain residents and for, “a city where our children receive the education they deserve to succeed in life.”
Sanchez said he wants to expand early education programs, partner with business to prepare students for careers, cap taxes on city residents and build, “a new high school at no cost to our residents.”
“Education,” Sanchez said, “isn’t just an investment in our kids. It is an investment in our community.”
Sanchez also said that he wants to work with the city’s police, “to ensure that every family feels safe in our city,” by bringing back community policing and block watches, and by improving street lighting and addressing speeding.
Sanchez said he will work with state leaders to bring funding into the city to improve housing, infrastructure and education.
Sanchez was joined at the announcement by other prominent New Britain Democrats, including Sen Rick Lopes (D-6), Rep Manny Sanchez (D-24), Rep Gary Turco (D-27), City Council President Pro-Tempore, Ald Francisco Santiago (D-5), Council Majority Leader, Ald John McNamara (D-4) and Judge of Probate William Rivera.

The announcement event was Tuesday evening at Five Churches Brewery on Arch Street.