Top Ten Stories of 2024
As we get ready to start 2025, the New Britain Progressive editors look back at some of the important stories the New Britain Progressive covered in 2024, and also news analysis and opinion published in the New Britain Progressive during the year, that are this year’s Top Ten Stories of 2024.
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Best wishes for the New Year!
10. Advocacy to Reduce Traffic Fatalities
9. Questions on Ald Beloin-Saavedra’s School Renaming Proposal; Continuing Saga on Self-Storage Development
8. “Justice for Katherine” Protests
7. HRA Celebrates 60 Years Of Community Action
6. Watershed: New Britain’s 1989 Mayoral Campaign
Watershed: 1989’s Mayoral Election, excerpted here, is DeFronzo’s personal account of the 1989 municipal campaign based on his observations, the recollection of friends and news coverage at the time. A copy of Watershed is on file in the history room of the New Britain Public Library. Thanks to Don DeFronzo for permission to publish an abridged version in this series.
-John McNamara. This series originally published at NB Politicus.com
5. Shaw Coaches 700th Game for New Britain High School
4. Resident and Council Advocacy for Allen Street Flooding Project
Neighborhood residents, Frank and Sharon Chase have worked tirelessly to win action to address flooding in a neighborhood near CCSU that includes streets from Roxbury Road to Allen Street, and have written extensively about it in the New Britain Progressive’s Flooding Series.