Queen Ann Nzinga Center Hosting Kwanzaa Celebration
By Candyce Scott,
The Queen Ann Nzinga Center is hosting a Kwanzaa Celebration with, “live music, performances, vendors and more.”
As Alderwoman, I have focused my work on building a community of inclusion, collaborations and shining a light on all the citizens of New Britain. I do this by inquiring about cultures, some I am familiar with and others I want to know more about. In turn, I make it my business to advocate and highlight programs, people and opportunities who celebrate just that. I respect each and every citizen in this city and want to bring more of us together by sharing both our diversity and our commonality.
One of the ways we shine is by partnering with community organization whose mission and focus inclusivity and cultural education. Queen Ann Nzinga Center, Inc is one those organization. QANC uses the arts and culture as a tool empowering child of all backgrounds to reach their fullest potential.
Dayna Snell, Executive Director of the Center said, “Our Annual Kwanzaa Celebration is a public performance inviting audiences of all backgrounds to learn about Kwanzaa through song, dance, poetry, and cultural presentations. The event is also an opportunity for at-risk youth in our Watoto program to share original performance arts pieces interpreting the values of Kwanzaa. They learn about the values and develop their performances during our Fall program sessions.”
“In addition to this event, I am facilitating a collaboration of community stakeholders which will enhance our City of New Britain’s Annual winter celebrations to be more inclusive. I am looking forward to bring together experts, like Queen Ann, Downtown District, Arts commission, others from Jewish and faith based community to build on what has been happening in this city for years. I’m excited that we have a local artist Enox Shabazz commissioned to create and be our expert on this project. I certainly can’t do this alone, and I am looking for volunteers to join this project. Anyone who is willing to help with suggestions, donations or time please feel free to call or text me 860.325.3119. Hope to see you on Saturday.”
The event is Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 4:00pm. Organizers say that, “doors open at 3:30pm. The event will take place at Raymond Hill School, 345 Linwood Street.”