Alderwoman Sanchez Condemns “Hate Rhetoric” At NYC Trump Rally
Council Democrats Deride GOP Campaign Of ‘Fear and Division’
NEW BRITAIN – City Alderwoman and Assistant Majority Leader Iris Noemi Sanchez (D-3) expressed deep indignation over offensive comments made at Donald Trump’s rally in Madison Square Garden on Sunday nine days before the November 5th Election. A speaker insulted Puerto Rico, calling it a “floating island of garbage” and made degrading comments towards the Latino community.
“As a Puerto Rican and Latina, I will not stay silent in front of this hate rhetoric,” Sanchez declared. “Our culture is one of strength, dignity and pride. We reject hate and division. ”
Sanchez urges the community to overcome these attacks through civic engagement. “The best way to respond is with our vote. We must elect leaders who respect us, not who degrade us. Kamala Harris represents the values we need in leadership: dignity, unity and progress. ”
Common Council President Francisco Santiago (D-5), speaking on behalf of Council Democrats, also condemned “vulgar and offensive statements” at the Trump rally directed at Latinos, women and other groups “from the rally speakers and Donald Trump himself.” Said Santiago: “Instead of talking about issues that matter to working people and families the Republican candidate and his party seek to sow fear and division.”
Statements from New Britain Council Democrats follow widespread condemnation from Puerto Rican civic and religious leaders in Puerto Rico and on the mainland.