Poetry From Carlos Ayala
By Carlos Ayala
I lost his hand
He disappeared into the crowd
It’s not what I was trying to do to survive
It’s what I was doing to die
How long must we suffer
The pain
The lies
How can we hide
From these evil eyes
The light shines
But, I remain in the shadows
All power comes from the source
Endless energy runs
It’s course
Intertwined with minds
Roots and nerves
Clandestine internet
Harmonic series
Connected frequencies
Breeze between the
Birds and the bees
Spoken into existence
Devine essence
Electrons and neurons
Cells and skin
208 bones
Life begins
Veins full of water
Rivers and streams
Infinite dreams
A heart pumped
Of blood
Just for someone
To love
Duality of life
Can my weakness
Be my strength
Can my darkness
Be my light
Can the pain
Be the cure
Can the hate
Be the love
Can my blindness
Be the sight
Can my broken mind
Be the answer
By : living poets society
What would you tell your younger self
Be better
Be strong
There’s nothing wrong with you
Finish what you start
Love yourself first
Give yourself a hug
It’s not your fault
Don’t do drugs
Tell my younger self that when you get older it’s ok to ask for help
What happened to you as a child wasn’t your fault