Reader Supports Ayalon and Property Tax Cap
Dear Editor,
Last year my condo property was reassessed and I got a 43% property tax increase. This July, I got a mill rate increase of about $100 per/year. The 2024 mill rate for Greenwich (one of the wealthiest communities in CT) is 11.39. In New Britain it’s 38.28 with another increase already set for next year. Furthermore, the mill rate for the New Britain “Downtown District” is 3! I wasn’t aware that there are two New Britains; one for wealthy developers and one for everyone else. My position is that developers should pay more and seniors like myself, trying to survive on a fixed income, should pay less.
That’s one of the main reasons I’m voting for Aram Ayalon for State Representative. I don’t care where a candidate was born or how many posteriors a candidate had to kiss to get endorsements from other greedy politicians. Aram Ayalon advocates a cap on property taxes at a certain percentage of income as well as a cap on rent increases. This is a man who clearly has his finger on the pulse of those he wishes to represent. He will have my vote and I hope that everyone who reads this letter will be convinced to do the same.
Robert Baruch
Editor’s note: The cover photo is by Frank Gerratana.