A Concerned, Vocal Citizen and Flooding Victim Questions the Mayor’s Motives and Election Tactics
To the editor,
Your article regarding the $4M transfer from the General Fund to the Public Works account is puzzling to me. The mayor signed off on 2 different resolutions back in September and October. #36236 (See attachment) which the mayor approved the transfer (9-28-23) and #36258-1 (See attachment) which the mayor confirmed the transfer (10-27-23).

I have been asking city officials for an update regarding the status of this money for weeks. No response from our city officials. No transparency. As a citizen I have absolutely no influence when asking for updated information unless we use the time consuming FOI process. Fortunately, McNamara stepped up with a petition-resolution regarding the status of this $4M transfer. There is something wrong here…Especially now when we learn that Perugini has stepped in to question and block this transfer because of “deficiencies”. See attachment. I am glad to see McNamara has asked for clarification.

As we all know the Allen St. flooding takes place mostly in Ward 4. It appears that the mayor may have been using resolutions and money transfers to solidify her hold on Ward 4 while supporting her aldermen which were up for re-election. And of course, the mayor was up for re-election too. It seems the mayor’s political scheming may have back fired on her.

The facts remain the same, resolution #’s 36236 and 36258-1 were signed off by the mayor just days before the election in 2023. I am highly suspicious of these moves made by the mayor now that we learn these transfer documents have come into question, they may be illegal per Perugini’s comments.

Erin has ignored, neglected and mismanaged the Allen St. Project for 10 years. We have asked her to redeem herself by Prioritizing, Funding and Completing the Allen St. Project Now! We are demanding a complete fact finding, investigative report regarding this money transfer episode with logical, truthful conclusions.
Thank you.
F&S Chase