CCSU Planetarium Presenting Show on “Island Universes” – Galaxies
The CCSU Copernican Planetarium and Observatory is presenting a show on galaxies, or as they were once called, “island universes.”
“What objects are full of stars, stellar corpses, gas, dust, and dark matter?” asks the Planetarium. “Galaxies! Join us in celebrating the amazing properties of galaxies at our next free public shows.”
The events are Wednesday, May 1, 2024 and Friday, Friday, May 3rd at 7:30pm.
The Planetarium has said that,
Doors to the planetarium (Copernicus Hall Room 211) open 30 min. before show time. Arrive at least 15 min. early as the presentation starts promptly and there is no late admission once the lights are turned off. Please note that we have a strict NO FOOD, DRINK, or CANDY/GUM policy (and a new carpet!).
The Planetarium also invites people, “After the evening show, if skies are clear, join us in observing the real night sky through our telescopes.”