Council Holds Hearing on HUD Funds Allocations
The New Britain City Council held a hearing ahead of decisions it will make on the allocation of funds from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The federal grants support an array of human services and community development programs in the city and are also used by the city government.

Representatives of a long list of organizations and city departments spoke before the Council Wednesday in favor of funding for various needs in the community, including food assistance, afterschool programs, services for survivors of domestic violence, homeless services and prevention, small business development, substance abuse prevention services, fire protection, parks improvements and curb ramps.

The hearing was held before the Council has the chance to weigh in on the allocation of the funds.
The hearing was on whether the Council should change the proposals made for various programs by the city Commission on Neighborhood Development (CCND). The CCND also proposed $323,631 in CDBG grant funds and another $66,131 in HOME grant funds to pay for city administration.
The Council will have the opportunity to make changes.

Organizations signed up to speak at the hearing, included,
- Lions Club
- New Britain Recovers
- Human Resources Agency of New Britain
- Parks & Rec
- OIC of New Britain
- Girls With Voices
- New Britain-Berlin YMCA
- YWCA of New Britain
- Greater New Britain Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
- Friendship Service Center, Inc.
- Gilead Community Services
- Mud MultiMedia, Inc.
- Boys & Girls Club of New Britain, Inc.
- New Britain Police Explorers
- Department of Public Works
- The Platform for Support, Inc.
- Prudence Crandall Center, Inc.
- New Britain Fire Explorers
- New Britain Fire Department
- CCARC, Inc.
- Arts for Learning Connecticut
- Neighborhood Housing Services of New Britain, Inc.
- World Wide Youth Networks, Inc.
- New Britain Senior Center
- Senior Transportation Services, Inc.
- Queen Ann Nzinga Center, Inc.
- New Britain ROOTS, Inc.
- New Life Ministries Teaching You Another Way
- Lions Low Vision Centers, Inc.
- New Britain Public Library
- Trinity on Main. LTD
- The Health Collective
- Chrysalis Center, Inc.
- New Life in Christ Church and New Beginning Ministries