Neighborhood Flooding Update After March 28th Council Meeting
This updated record is being shared regarding the status of our neighborhood’s storm-sewer system and State-City responses. Our concerns need to be given the highest priority. Our quality of life is suffering and our property values have declined by 15%. When the flooding water recedes, we are forgotten by our city officials. Even though our critical neighborhood is not in a flood zone…The flooding continues, 6x in 2023.
Ray Esponda from Public Works gave an informative presentation 3-28-24 to the City Council. His dedication and proactive efforts are appreciated. We know about the complexities and the cost of the Allen St. Project #2 Oak St. to Beacon St. We have read the engineering reports. We know about the effects of climate change. We are forced to live with the resulting flooding. All of this is a given.

The issue with residents getting in and out of their properties while construction progresses can be managed. We are sure the engineers, planners, designers, experts, etc. have encountered all of this before with more complex projects. Where will the water from the proposed pumping stations go to? Tanks? Piper Brook? Seems to be a very expensive fix. An upgraded underground system is the best solution. Yes, the pipes are deep. Yes, there is a ledge to contend with. Once again, the engineers have encountered all of these problems before.

In the recent (1-31-24) Legislative Priorities Memo Mayor Stewart gave to our Legislative Delegation she detailed the following. See attachment.
“As we saw a historic amount of rain this past summer, it is evident more than ever that we need to see the Allen St. Project #2 Storm-Sewer Upgrades and Roadway Reconstruction come to fruition. This project was split into phases and is critical to resolving the chronic issues including flooding due to storm-sewer failures, sanitary backups and main breaks. Phase One was completed in 2015 with a cost of approximately $2M. The cost estimates to complete the second phase of this project are between $7-$8M. These estimates are based off of an engineering report conducted about six years ago. The City is currently contracting with Cardinal Engineering for updated cost estimates and design plans”.


We have now learned from a reliable source within the city government that the new cost for the Allen St. Project is $14.4M. The final engineering plans are near completion. It seems the pumping stations may be “pipe dreams” and/or more “delay tactics”. The Mayor must finally step up and admit this project was ignored and neglected. Now we all have to pay for this negligence. This is unacceptable.
Using the $14.4M estimate here is a quick overview:
In 2024 the cost of the Allen St. Project is $14.4M.
In 2013 the cost of the Allen St. Project was $ 6.9M. When Mayor Stewart took office!

Add in years of paid damage claims that we know about, there may be more and the additional engineering expenses $275K.
The math is easy, by delaying the Allen St. Project by 11+ years the city will be forced to spend $7.7M more.
This is not fiscal responsibility. Once again, not 1 dollar from the $56M of ARPA Infrastructure Funds sent to New Britain was allocated to the Allen St. Project. What do you think? Is this mismanagement and dereliction of duty by our city officials? Thankfully, we have finally uncovered all of this. This mismanagement falls directly on the shoulders of Mayor Stewart. It’s time for the Mayor to redeem herself. Fund and complete the Allen St. Project now!

Over the years, Mayor Stewart has detailed for us, “Our most pressing need…The storm-sewer upgrades on Allen St. The Allen St. Project is critical to resolving chronic issues including flooding due to storm-sewer failures, sanitary sewer back-ups and breaks due to insufficient capacity and the system’s age, and the general disrepair of the roadway and sidewalks”. See the attached memo from Mayor Stewart to our legislative delegation 2014-2015. This memo was initialed by Erin Stewart!
As we all know, these failures cause severe, unsafe and unhealthy flooding storm-sewer water conditions on Allen St. and in our surrounding neighborhoods. As Mayor Stewart and Director Esponda both noted, “Climate change is here!”. Mayor Stewart went on to say, “Be prepared!”. We are prepared, the city is not! City officials have underestimated and misjudged the dangerous conditions created by climate change and the resulting severe weather, while ignoring and neglecting the required storm-sewer upgrades on Allen St. for decades, 11+ years on Erin Stewart’s watch. Mayor Stewart, “Do not evade your responsibility any longer!”.

There are many storm-sewer challenges in New Britain none greater than the Allen St. Project. We must move forward quickly with the new final engineering plan to upgrade the Allen St. Basin’s outdated, undersized storm-sewer system. There are 25+ property owners and many more residents asking for a solution. This problem has been allowed to deteriorate further over many decades. Meanwhile, the flooding continues.
I will repeat for the benefit of all, your efforts do not go unnoticed, unfortunately, the facts remain the same. City Officials (elected and appointed) and City Department Directors are responsible for the required, overdue storm-sewer upgrades. Procure the required financing and manage the construction to completion are the next steps. As victims and taxpayers we are demanding results sooner rather than later. We have been too patient, too long…A can do attitude by all is required now…

The final plan must be in place by the summer of 2024. Funding must be finalized and construction start dates in place by the 1st quarter of 2025. There is no easy way out of this. The problem has been ignored far too long. We’ve heard all of the excuses and disproved all of them. Why is Allen St. and the Brighton, Stewart, Hampton, Eton-Newbury-Roxbury neighborhoods ignored and neglected by Mayor Stewart and her associates? Seems to be a classic case of nonfeasance by our city officials.
We want quarterly updates with milestones so we will know how you are doing. I find it difficult to believe that we are forced to ask our elected representatives to submit petitions to get the required updates. This is unacceptable. Then we are criticized for using the petitioning process to get the information we want.

We have not received the requested updates regarding the status of the $4M which was supposedly transferred from the General Fund to the Public Works Account per Resolution #36236. See the attached. Scroll through the complete document to see Erin Stewart’s signature! We’ve made at least 4 or more requests thus far. A reasonable person can easily conclude that this $4M downpayment for the Allen St. Project #2 may have been re-allocated for a different project. Who knows? What are you hiding? You are forcing us to petition the administration again for the information we want. Why is this vital information not readily available to us?
Your progress and behavior will be judged and evaluated by all of us, your constituents and customers. Let’s work together for the benefit of all. Communication and transparency is required from our city officials that will help all of us move forward together in a positive, respectful fashion. We are always open to listen to your recommendations, suggestions, opinions, concerns, etc. Bottomline, we need results. Let’s all be part of the solution.
Here are 2 engineering reports which support our positions regarding the required, overdue storm-sewer upgrades on Allen St. Please read these as well.
The cause is undeniable…The effects will be catastrophic if the flooding is allowed to continue.
Thank you.
Frank and Sharon Chase
Related video coverage (Channel 30 Connecticut News).