Council Resolution Acknowledges Celebration of Ramadan
The New Britain City Council approved a resolution acknowledging the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan and sharing warm greetings with those who are celebrating it in the city.
The Council’s resolution recognizes Ramadan’s importance in the faith of many city residents.
The resolution discusses Ramadan as,
a spiritual time to cleanse the body and mind. This is done with [abstaining] from food, sexual relations, and anger or unkind thoughts or actions. This is a time of increased love, peace, conditions with a higher power, and charity to others is increased and acknowledged. Families, friends, and loved ones tend to break fast together after sun down and this is called the Iftar
The resolution was introduced by Ald. Candyce Scott (D-3) who said that
I wrote this resolution to acknowledge the Muslims who live in New Britain. Our city is diverse. We have people from different religious beliefs, cultures, and races. The Muslim community is also diverse and made up of many different cultures and people from around the world. I wanted an opportunity to explain what Ramadan is to educate, and also spread awareness about the holy holiday. This is important to me because I believe education and exposure will help to eliminate fear, racism, and discrimination towards underserved communities. I also want to recognize the Muslim community and wish them a blessed and happy blessed and prosperous Ramadan!
City resident Rimaz Bashir said, “we appreciate Candace Scott’s efforts in fighting for inclusion of all people,” adding,
I just wanted to say as a Muslim we really appreciate Ramadan being acknowledged by the council. Most people are usually much more knowledgeable of other religious holidays so bringing more attention to Islamic traditions helps publicly reaffirm that the Muslim community does in fact belong. Especially since most people don’t know that as far back as our Founding Fathers, like Thomas Jefferson, had and read a copy of our holy book the Quran & stated “Neither Pagan nor Muslim nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion”. Muslims have always been a part of the American Identity.
The resolution called of the city community to share warm greetings with Muslims celebrating Ramadan and the coming holiday of Eid al-Fitr at the conclusion of Ramadan.
Ramadan began on March 10, 2024 and is to end on April 9th.