New Britain Council to Consider Hire of Consultant for Flow Metering in Flood-Prone Area
The New Britain City Council is set to consider the hire of a consultant to further investigate needed improvements in a critically flood-prone neighborhood.
A neighborhood to the southwest of CCSU, including Newbury, Hampton, Allen, Brighton streets and Eton Place and Roxbury Road has frequently experienced severe flooding resulting from inadequate drainage in the area. Neighborhood residents have been pressing for long-awaited infrastructure improvements in the area.
In November, the Council approved the, “the services of Cardinal Engineering Associates to prepare Final Design and Bid Documents for the Allen Street Drainage Improvements/Reconstruction Project,” as a resolution on the agenda of the upcoming Council meeting, proposed by the Ald. John McNamara (D-4) and Ald. Matthew Malinowski (R-5), says.
The new resolution says that, “The Public Works Utility Division determined that sanitary sewer flow metering and SSES investigation should be conducted in order to have current data for the sanitary sewer design portion of the Allen Street Project.”
The resolution goes on to say that city Public Works, “also determined that SSES investigation should be conducted on all properties within the Allen Street project limits, including interior and exterior inspections, to identify illicit connections which need to be corrected in order to reduce inflow and prevent future back-ups.”
The resolution would authorize the hire of SSES Investigations for $59,250 for the flow metering study.
The proposal is on the agenda of the February 28, 2024 Council meeting.