Local Improvements Come from Democrats at State, Not Mayor in City, Reader Says, Criticizing “Political Plagiarism”
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Local Improvements Come from Democrats at State, Not Mayor in City, Reader Says, Criticizing “Political Plagiarism”

To the editor,

If the mayor of New Britain said she wrote “Harry Potter,” would you believe her? No? Then please don’t believe much of the rest of the things she brags about in her campaign letters.

I was knocking on voters’ doors the other day with Council candidate Luz Osuba. A voter was explaining to us why she was thinking about voting for Erin Stewart. “She’s fixed the roads.” Luz explained that that was done with Federal money, going back to when Obama was President. “She’s building new schools.” Luz explained that that was almost all with State money. All the elected officials who represent New Britain in Hartford are Democrats. They are the ones who do the hard work negotiating state money for New Britain.

“But, what about our beautiful city parks?”…Same answer.

Our State Reps all try to work with Mayor Stewart to bring home the good things for New Britain. She doesn’t answer their phone calls. Can you imagine how much better we would do, if she worked her fellow Republican members of the General Assembly, while our Democratic delegation organize the Dems for us?

Luz Osuba is a bright, energetic candidate. Many of you in the 5th Ward have seen her at your door. She has a great deal of political experience working with the state legislature. Together with Cisco Santiago, the veteran Councilman, they will make a great team for our neighborhood.

Please vote for them and the whole Democratic slate, lead by Chris Anderson for Mayor on November 7.

Bill Shortell
New Britain

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